Desktop / Mobile client for Project Anni.
- Cross-platform player designed for Project Anni
- Tested on Linux(Manjaro KDE), macOS, Windows, Android and iOS.
- Control through MPRIS on Linux
- Portable mode (create a file named
export CPATH="$(clang -v 2>&1 | grep "Selected GCC installation" | rev | cut -d' ' -f1 | rev)/include"
# [Optional] Build models
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
# Build apk
flutter build apk --release --split-per-abi --split-debug-info debug --obfuscate
# Build for iOS
flutter build ios --profile
# When apple build fails due to firebase error
pod update Firebase/CoreOnly
# Upgrade flutter_rust_bridge
cargo install flutter_rust_bridge_codegen && flutter_rust_bridge_codegen generate
For desktop
or Android
users, please visit Release and choose which asset to download accourding to your platform.
For Android
users, you can also get an official release to join our public beta test on Play Store.
For iOS
users, only Testflight is available for now.
There are two release branches: canary
and nightly
builds are binaries built from master
branch. There might be some some unknown bugs.
builds are triggered daily or manually so most severe issues would be resolved. The daily cron job might be disabled in the future to makes nightly
more stable.
- Audio Playback
- Annil
- Server info
- Album list
- Cover
- Cover cache
- Audio
- Audio cache
- Annil selection based on priority
- Metadata Sources
- Anniv
- Local sqlite file
- Remote sqlite file
- Metadata repository
- Anniv
- Server Info
- User system
- Login
- 2FA
- Register
- Logout
- Revoke account
- Login
- Playlist
- List playlist
- Create playlist
- Remove playlist
- Edit playlist
- Append
- Remove
- Reorder
- Replace
- Favorite
- Add favorite
- Remove favorite
- Favorite list
- Add favorite album
- Remove favorite album
- Favorite album list
- Credentials
- Get credentials
- Add credential
- Edit credential
- Delete credential
- Reorder credential priority
- Play history
- Report history
- Query history
- Lyric
- Get lyric
- Lyric sources
- Netease Music
- PetitLyrics
- Edit lyric
- Upload lyric to Anniv
- Search
- Search with tags