Oxygen Engine Digital Control System, enclosure for.
Serial number 1 AKA the Austin Unit. LAN TYPE: SEEEDS STUDIO W5200 MAC Address: FE:ED:1B:70:08:77
See images in folder at: https://github.com/PubInv/NASA-COG/tree/develop/docs/OEDCS_June_2023_Version_0.1/Photos This is the Control V1.0 board. Taken out of service at Austin on about ?20240215?
Control V1.1 SN 09 installed on 20240220. See its MAC below. -
Serial number 2
LAN TYPE: ???? MAC Address: FE:ED:10:69:73:70
This is the Control V1.0 board. Taken out of service at AmOx on about 20240220
Control V1.1 SN 12 installed on 20240220. See its MAC below -
Stage II controler
LAN TYPE: ???? MAC Address: FE:ED:14:71:02:77
ID = 1361064480,1313945940,842021169,959459378 -
Serial Number 9
MAC Address: FE:ED:1D:70:05:6D Control V1.1 SN 09 installed on OEDCS SN1 about ?20240215? -
Serial Number 10
MAC Address: FE:ED:12:71:06:65 Control V1.1 in Austin as of about Feb 2024. -
Serial Number 11 Formerly the Mockup Of Maryville LAN TYPE: SEEEDS STUDIO W5200
MAC Address: FE:ED:16:6B:72:67 -
Serial Number 12 LAN TYPE: ARDUINO
MAC Address: FE:ED:17:73:0E:69 Located at AmOx as of about 20240220 in OEDCS SN2. -
Serial Number 13
LAN TYPE: ARDUINO MAC Address: FE:ED:1A:71:09:7F Control V1.1 in Oklahoa City as of about ?January 2024.?
- The "frontpanel" folder has FreeCAD drawing which generate the DXF and other files for fabrication of the frontpanel, bottompanel and rear panel.
- The "enclosure" folder has an OpenSCAD drawing of the Unit 1 enclosure. With in the folder is a folder "FreeCADAssy" which has a FreeCAD drawing using the A2plus work bench and duplicates roughly the Unit 1 assembly but which has the Unit 2 frontpanel, bottompanel and rear panel files.
Place holder for July-August 2023 Begin Construction of Unit 2.
- Fabrication of Version 2 unit Frontpanel, Bottompanel and Rearpanel not by hand in house. ** DONE!**
- The Frontpanel Version 2 has enlarged AC receiptical opehnings and will require reciptical cover plates. DONE!
A March 2023 enclosure for prototyping, proof of concept for the COG controller. This prototype has:
- A programmable power supply (Voltage and current). Power Electrinics, TF800K12A. URL: https://slpower.com/downloads-and-tech-support
- Solid state relays for switching AC power to preheaters. Sparkfun # COM-13015. URL: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13015
- Power and PWM control for fans to force air into the COG
- Air Temperature: Adafruit MAX31850 amplifier assemblies. Adafruit Product ID: 1727. URL: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1727
- Air flow rate sensors NOT MOUNTED
- An Arduino Due for system control. Navigate into the folders to see more.
Overhead view of Unit 1 wiring as of June - July 2023