I am Ross Carvalho. Currently pursuing my Masters in Computer Science at Pace Unversity
- 🔭 I’m currently working as a Lab Assitant at @ Pace University - Computational Intelligence Lab
I enjoy working on
- 📊 Software Development
- 🖼 Big data analytics and Data engineering
- 🛠 Platform engineering ( Devops + Cloud + MLOps )
- 🤖 High Performace Computing
- I ❤️ to participate in Hackathons / Datathons / Coding contests / Case study challenges
- 👯 I’m looking to venture into semiconductor industry especially on High performace computing segement
- 💬 Ask me about Python, ML , Docker , Cloud (AWS,GCP), Kubernetes, Deep learning , Microservices
- 📙 Check out my Resume
- 🎉 Fun-Fact: I ❤️ Coffee
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