Releases: SAP/hybris-commerce-eclipse-plugin
Releases · SAP/hybris-commerce-eclipse-plugin
v22.08 Improvements in Project Import
- [closed] Issue Raised on project Import #111
What's Changed
- Bump sonar-maven-plugin from to by @dependabot in #98
- Bump tycho-version from 2.5.0 to 2.7.0 by @dependabot in #101
- update the dep5 file by @ajinkyapatil8190 in #105
- reuse compliance by @ajinkyapatil8190 in #104
- Bump tycho-version from 2.7.0 to 2.7.3 by @dependabot in #107
- Bump maven-enforcer-plugin from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 by @dependabot in #109
- fixing issues with importing commerce projects locally by @mikolayek in #113
New Contributors
- @ajinkyapatil8190 made their first contribution in #105
Full Changelog: v2110...22.08
- [closed] Issue Raised on project Import #111
- [bug] Out of Memory error while importing cmssmartedit into eclipse #99
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-4] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #95
- [question] Plugin loading infinitely while importing 2105 platform #92
- [closed] Unable to install the plugin #91
- [question] thoughts about project versioning #89
- [enhancement] Remove URLs to SAP Wiki as it is going to be shut down by EOY #88
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-4] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #86
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-3] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #85
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-1] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #84
- [closed] [rl-license_file-3] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #83
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-1] Licensing information in README is not existing or incomplete. A reference to the REUSE tool is required! #81
- [closed] [rl-license_file-3] License still seems to contain an API section. This section needs to be removed! #78
- [closed] Unsupported Class Version Error by Import Hybris Platform with Plugin #67
- [bug] withdraw temporarily tsv functionality from menu #61
- [bug] Problem with impex editor #58
- [closed] NumberFormatException when importing platform #52
- [closed] Error when Importing project #48
- [closed] Provide descriptive error on importing #47
- [closed] provide documentation for compatible eclipse IDE java version to SAP Commerce #46
- [closed] Error when Syncing Platform #44
- [closed] Working set are not populated correctly with version 1905 #39
- [closed] add platform home validation during import #38
- [closed] re-creating project in custom extensions #37
- [closed] Not compatible with Java 11? #36
- [bug] Attribute "startStopThreads" was already specified for element "Host". #35
- [closed] Issues with importing hybris 1905 project #34
- [closed] Impex formatter formats last opened file, not the focused file #30
- [closed] Impex formatting breaking on eclipse oxygen #29
- [closed] StartStopThreads duplicated in server.xml for 6.7 #28
- [non-reproducible] Formatting changes on save #25
- [closed] Egit integration doesn't work anymore after plugin installation #24
- [closed] Fix versioning to match the release page on ALF #22
- [closed] Skipping jars fron TLD Scanning breaks HAC #17
- [closed] Empty "Attach Sources" pane during import wizard #16
- [closed] Import workspace fails with windows #13
- [closed] Source packages don't show due to bad file extension filter #7
- [closed] Oxygen Compatibility #6
- [closed] Creating a new extension without a package name creates and error #2
- [closed] create an update site on github pages #1
What's Changed
- Merge tag 'v1.5.4' into develop by @mikolayek in #65
- Merge tag 'v1.5.5' into develop by @mikolayek in #68
- bumping version to 1.5.6-SNAPSHOT by @mikolayek in #69
- Bump tycho-version from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 by @dependabot in #66
- Bump tycho-version from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 by @dependabot in #71
- Bump sonar-maven-plugin from to by @dependabot in #70
- adding 'config' project even when .project file is missing by @mikolayek in #72
- Develop by @mikolayek in #73
- [00] - sonar code quality fixes by @mikolayek in #74
- Feature/00 quality improvements by @mikolayek in #75
- Bump tycho-version from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 by @dependabot in #76
- Bump sonar-maven-plugin from to by @dependabot in #77
- Bump tycho-version from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0 by @dependabot in #82
- Release/1.5.6 ga by @mikolayek in #87
- fixing java projects during import by @mikolayek in #93
- bumping java 11 compatibility by @mikolayek in #94
- fixing issues with linux x32 arch by @mikolayek in #96
- Bump tycho-version from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 by @dependabot in #97
- Bump sonar-maven-plugin from to by @dependabot in #98
- Bump tycho-version from 2.5.0 to 2.7.0 by @dependabot in #101
- update the dep5 file by @ajinkyapatil8190 in #105
- reuse compliance by @ajinkyapatil8190 in #104
- Bump tycho-version from 2.7.0 to 2.7.3 by @dependabot in #107
- Bump maven-enforcer-plugin from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 by @dependabot in #109
- fixing issues with importing commerce projects locally by @mikolayek in #113
- Bump tycho-version from 2.7.3 to 2.7.4 by @dependabot in #110
New Contributors
- @ajinkyapatil8190 made their first contribution in #105
Full Changelog: v1.5.4...release/1.4.0
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-4] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #95
- [question] Plugin loading infinitely while importing 2105 platform #92
- [non-reproducible] Formatting changes on save #25
What's Changed
- fixing issues with linux x32 arch by @mikolayek in #96
- Bump tycho-version from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 by @dependabot in #97
Full Changelog: v1.5.7...v2110
- [closed] Unable to install the plugin #91
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-4] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #86
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-3] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #85
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-1] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #84
- [closed] [rl-license_file-3] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #83
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-1] Licensing information in README is not existing or incomplete. A reference to the REUSE tool is required! #81
- [closed] [rl-license_file-3] License still seems to contain an API section. This section needs to be removed! #78
- [closed] Unsupported Class Version Error by Import Hybris Platform with Plugin #67
- [bug] withdraw temporarily tsv functionality from menu #61
- [bug] Problem with impex editor #58
- [closed] NumberFormatException when importing platform #52
- [closed] Error when Importing project #48
- [closed] Provide descriptive error on importing #47
- [closed] provide documentation for compatible eclipse IDE java version to SAP Commerce #46
- [closed] Error when Syncing Platform #44
- [closed] Working set are not populated correctly with version 1905 #39
- [closed] add platform home validation during import #38
- [closed] re-creating project in custom extensions #37
- [bug] Attribute "startStopThreads" was already specified for element "Host". #35
- [closed] Issues with importing hybris 1905 project #34
- [closed] Impex formatter formats last opened file, not the focused file #30
- [closed] Impex formatting breaking on eclipse oxygen #29
- [closed] StartStopThreads duplicated in server.xml for 6.7 #28
- [closed] Egit integration doesn't work anymore after plugin installation #24
- [closed] Fix versioning to match the release page on ALF #22
- [closed] Skipping jars fron TLD Scanning breaks HAC #17
- [closed] Empty "Attach Sources" pane during import wizard #16
- [closed] Import workspace fails with windows #13
- [closed] Source packages don't show due to bad file extension filter #7
- [closed] Oxygen Compatibility #6
- [closed] Creating a new extension without a package name creates and error #2
- [closed] create an update site on github pages #1
- [closed] Issue Raised on project Import #111
- [bug] Out of Memory error while importing cmssmartedit into eclipse #99
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-4] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #95
- [question] Plugin loading infinitely while importing 2105 platform #92
- [closed] Unable to install the plugin #91
- [question] thoughts about project versioning #89
- [enhancement] Remove URLs to SAP Wiki as it is going to be shut down by EOY #88
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-4] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #86
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-3] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #85
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-1] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #84
- [closed] [rl-license_file-3] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #83
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-1] Licensing information in README is not existing or incomplete. A reference to the REUSE tool is required! #81
- [closed] [rl-license_file-3] License still seems to contain an API section. This section needs to be removed! #78
- [closed] Unsupported Class Version Error by Import Hybris Platform with Plugin #67
- [bug] withdraw temporarily tsv functionality from menu #61
- [bug] Problem with impex editor #58
- [closed] NumberFormatException when importing platform #52
- [closed] Error when Importing project #48
- [closed] Provide descriptive error on importing #47
- [closed] provide documentation for compatible eclipse IDE java version to SAP Commerce #46
- [closed] Error when Syncing Platform #44
- [closed] Working set are not populated correctly with version 1905 #39
- [closed] add platform home validation during import #38
- [closed] re-creating project in custom extensions #37
- [closed] Not compatible with Java 11? #36
- [bug] Attribute "startStopThreads" was already specified for element "Host". #35
- [closed] Issues with importing hybris 1905 project #34
- [closed] Impex formatter formats last opened file, not the focused file #30
- [closed] Impex formatting breaking on eclipse oxygen #29
- [closed] StartStopThreads duplicated in server.xml for 6.7 #28
- [non-reproducible] Formatting changes on save #25
- [closed] Egit integration doesn't work anymore after plugin installation #24
- [closed] Fix versioning to match the release page on ALF #22
- [closed] Skipping jars fron TLD Scanning breaks HAC #17
- [closed] Empty "Attach Sources" pane during import wizard #16
- [closed] Import workspace fails with windows #13
- [closed] Source packages don't show due to bad file extension filter #7
- [closed] Oxygen Compatibility #6
- [closed] Creating a new extension without a package name creates and error #2
- [closed] create an update site on github pages #1
- [closed] Issue Raised on project Import #111
- [bug] Out of Memory error while importing cmssmartedit into eclipse #99
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-4] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #95
- [question] Plugin loading infinitely while importing 2105 platform #92
- [closed] Unable to install the plugin #91
- [question] thoughts about project versioning #89
- [enhancement] Remove URLs to SAP Wiki as it is going to be shut down by EOY #88
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-4] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #86
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-3] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #85
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-1] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #84
- [closed] [rl-license_file-3] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #83
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-1] Licensing information in README is not existing or incomplete. A reference to the REUSE tool is required! #81
- [closed] [rl-license_file-3] License still seems to contain an API section. This section needs to be removed! #78
- [closed] Unsupported Class Version Error by Import Hybris Platform with Plugin #67
- [bug] withdraw temporarily tsv functionality from menu #61
- [bug] Problem with impex editor #58
- [closed] NumberFormatException when importing platform #52
- [closed] Error when Importing project #48
- [closed] Provide descriptive error on importing #47
- [closed] provide documentation for compatible eclipse IDE java version to SAP Commerce #46
- [closed] Error when Syncing Platform #44
- [closed] Working set are not populated correctly with version 1905 #39
- [closed] add platform home validation during import #38
- [closed] re-creating project in custom extensions #37
- [closed] Not compatible with Java 11? #36
- [bug] Attribute "startStopThreads" was already specified for element "Host". #35
- [closed] Issues with importing hybris 1905 project #34
- [closed] Impex formatter formats last opened file, not the focused file #30
- [closed] Impex formatting breaking on eclipse oxygen #29
- [closed] StartStopThreads duplicated in server.xml for 6.7 #28
- [non-reproducible] Formatting changes on save #25
- [closed] Egit integration doesn't work anymore after plugin installation #24
- [closed] Fix versioning to match the release page on ALF #22
- [closed] Skipping jars fron TLD Scanning breaks HAC #17
- [closed] Empty "Attach Sources" pane during import wizard #16
- [closed] Import workspace fails with windows #13
- [closed] Source packages don't show due to bad file extension filter #7
- [closed] Oxygen Compatibility #6
- [closed] Creating a new extension without a package name creates and error #2
- [closed] create an update site on github pages #1
- [closed] Issue Raised on project Import #111
- [bug] Out of Memory error while importing cmssmartedit into eclipse #99
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-4] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #95
- [question] Plugin loading infinitely while importing 2105 platform #92
- [closed] Unable to install the plugin #91
- [question] thoughts about project versioning #89
- [enhancement] Remove URLs to SAP Wiki as it is going to be shut down by EOY #88
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-4] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #86
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-3] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #85
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-1] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #84
- [closed] [rl-license_file-3] Violation against OSS Rules of Play #83
- [closed] [rl-reuse_tool-1] Licensing information in README is not existing or incomplete. A reference to the REUSE tool is required! #81
- [closed] [rl-license_file-3] License still seems to contain an API section. This section needs to be removed! #78
- [closed] Unsupported Class Version Error by Import Hybris Platform with Plugin #67
- [bug] withdraw temporarily tsv functionality from menu #61
- [bug] Problem with impex editor #58
- [closed] NumberFormatException when importing platform #52
- [closed] Error when Importing project #48
- [closed] Provide descriptive error on importing #47
- [closed] provide documentation for compatible eclipse IDE java version to SAP Commerce #46
- [closed] Error when Syncing Platform #44
- [closed] Working set are not populated correctly with version 1905 #39
- [closed] add platform home validation during import #38
- [closed] re-creating project in custom extensions #37
- [closed] Not compatible with Java 11? #36
- [bug] Attribute "startStopThreads" was already specified for element "Host". #35
- [closed] Issues with importing hybris 1905 project #34
- [closed] Impex formatter formats last opened file, not the focused file #30
- [closed] Impex formatting breaking on eclipse oxygen #29
- [closed] StartStopThreads duplicated in server.xml for 6.7 #28
- [non-reproducible] Formatting changes on save #25
- [closed] Egit integration doesn't work anymore after plugin installation #24
- [closed] Fix versioning to match the release page on ALF #22
- [closed] Skipping jars fron TLD Scanning breaks HAC #17
- [closed] Empty "Attach Sources" pane during import wizard #16
- [closed] Import workspace fails with windows #13
- [closed] Source packages don't show due to bad file extension filter #7
- [closed] Oxygen Compatibility #6
- [closed] Creating a new extension without a package name creates and error #2
- [closed] create an update site on github pages #1
Minor UX changes
TSV functionality has been removed from menu until it is fixed.
There is a need for fundamental change in that functionality due to that it is better to remove it completely from menu and provide plugin without issues.
Support for 2020-09
Release introduces fix for removed class from Eclipse API and has been tested with latest Eclipse version 2020-09