Figure: Proposed EAGL Algorithm for summarizing a directed probabilistic graphical model based an available dataset.
A Jupyter notebook named "Example_GraphSummarization.ipynb" is provided for step by step guide to use the "EAGL" library for summarizing graphs. For the using the code directly from python IDE please use the file "" provided in the " Code " folder.
An implementation of Graph Laplacian for Directed Graphs can be found here. This was coded in Matlab. For a python implementation please check the NetworkX library.
- Enter if tree connection to be maintained (True or False): True
- Enter Tree Extraction method (dfs or bfs): bfs
- Enter Traversing Start Node(0 to 9): 0
- Enter Number of Iterations: 20
- Enter for which Eigenvalue (1st or 2nd) perform the calculation: 2
This will result in:
Number of Edges on the Updated DAG: 30
Compression: 40.0 %
Figure: Summarizing the Barabasi Albert Graph.
- Enter if tree connection to be maintained (True or False): True
- Enter Tree Extraction method (dfs or bfs): dfs
- Enter Traversing Start Node(0 to 9):0
- Enter Number of Iterations: 10
- Enter for which Eigenvalue (1st or 2nd) perform the calculation: 2
- Enter Cut-off Value: 0.05
Number of Edges on the Updated DAG: 38
Compression: 24.0 %
Figure: Summarizing the Barabasi Albert Graph.
- Scipy
- Numpy
- Networkx
- Matplotlib
*The code was tested using Python 3.6