Start with a Ubuntu Virtual Machine that has Anaconda 3 installed on it. Launch the virtual machine. In a unix shell, execute the commands:
pip install econ-ark
git clone https://github.com/zhang13atJHUecon/REMARK.git
cd REMARK/REMARKs/AiyagariIdiosyncratic
sudo ./doEverything.sh
(It takes around 2 minutes to run the 'doEverything.sh')
The following graph contains main files and shows how this folder is structured.
graph LR; Parent-->Aiyagari1994QJE.ipynb Parent-->Aiyagari.yaml Parent-->Code.ipynb Parent-->Tex Parent-->do_all.py Parent-->README.md Parent--> doEverything.sh Tex--> Figures Tex--> Tables Tex--> Slides Tex--> main.tex Tex--> Appendix
- "Aiyagari1994QJE" is the Jupyter Notebook file, which includes key features of the paper and python codes implementing to replicate the main results of the paper;
- "Aiyagari.yaml" is a yaml file where the model is written;
- "Code" includes all python codes for replication in the format of ipynb;
- "Tex" is a folder where the .tex file is located. It includes main content, figures, tables, slides, and an appendix as a subfile.
- "do_all.py" is the file which contains all codes for solving the model, generating tables and figures, saving the table in both markdown and LaTeX languages, and re-compiling the LaTeX file each time you run the code.
- "Table_SavingRate.md" is a markdown table reporting the aggregate saving rates calibrated by us and by Aiyagari(1994). The table is re-written every time you run the code.
- "doEverything.sh" is a bash shell script which calls "do_all.py" to run. In other words, it runs everything in Linux System.