[2.4.0] - 2024-01-20
☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️
- Tester macro now remembers the best roll and uses that instead of the last roll.
- Encounter table setup directly from the travel calculator macro.
- Mighty Summoner now respects the summoning tokens disposition and uses it for the summoned token.
- Function to prevent the conviction expiration dialogue from the core system that is added by SUCC.
- Added a failsafe to the ammo management that prevents code failing on a RoF higher than 6.
- Added SUCC 2.3.0 support for the effect builder which means it now uses the new SUCC api and also properly passes the effect duration.
- Chase background images that serve as an example and make the scene be visible easier. Users are encouraged to setup their own however.
- Added a free reroll on failed (but not crit failed) rolls to recover from being shaken if the Old Ways Oath hindrance (Deadlands) is found on the actor. (This is an odd hindrance that allows a free reroll on spirit for some reason.)
- Fixed a critical bug in the Tester macro where on some test rolls the support roll function was called.
- Fixed a critical bug in the Travel Calculator macro that prevented its function if no custom options json was given.
- Fixed some errors in translation strings.
- Fixed a critical error that made the ammo management update an items quantity or shots with a string rather than a number resulting in data loss.
- Fixed a bug that prevented passing the duration of effects in the effect builder to SUCC resulting in faulty duration.