Releases: SalieriC/SWIM
Releases · SalieriC/SWIM
[0.18.3] - 2022-06-13
☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️
- Mighty Summoner: Maintenance Active Effects. Upon summoning a creature, the summoned creature and the summoner will gain an active effect containing the duration and some additional data from SWIM. If either of those effects ands and is deleted, the summoned creature will be dismissed. This works both ways. If the no power point setting is chosen, the duration of the power is near infinite and the maintenance AE on the caster incurs a penalty to the skill as per the no power point setting rule.
[0.18.2] - 2022-06-11
☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️
- Translation update for german language via weblate.
- Changed the global actions for invisibility to also cover detect arcana (@grendel111111).
- Changed the PEB to cover the new Deflection rules and new global actions to automate it in BR2.
- Another faulty translation string in the PHC.
- PHC now passes the correct healed wounds amount to the injury removal function when using generic healing. (It passed the wound value instead of the amount of healed wounds causing it to remove combat injuries if no wounds were healed.)
- PEB now properly applies changes to
additional stats if found. This was buggy as of yet.
[0.18.1] - 2022-05-21
☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️
- Added a setting that disables the rank requirement for players when using the Shape Changer.
- Other option for the Power Effect Builder that allows setting up powers and maintaining them even if they're not (yet) added in the PEB. This (currently) doesn't offer the ability to set up any changes (will be added in a future version).
- New Translation Strings.
- The Power Effect Builder now works even if GM and player are not on the same scene.
- Missing translation string in Effect Builder.
- Faulty translation String in the Personal Health Centre.
- Fixed a bug in the ammo management that prevented reloading.
- Fixed a critical bug in the Power Effect Builder.
[0.18.0] - 2022-05-09
☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️
- Mighty Summoner: Summoned Creatures now get an Active Effect with the appropriate duration. Duration is doubled if the summoner has the Concentration Edge.
- Various new assets (see ReadMe for credits, all altered by SalieriC#8263):
- New translation strings.
- New Setting rule: No Power Points. This enables near-infinite duration and a -1 to the spellcasting roll on the caster. SWIM does not use the systems setting rule in case that gets changed to do other things as well.
- New Macro: Power Effect Builder. Opens a dialogue to add active effects for almost all maintained core powers. This makes heavy use of the new effect updater by SUCC. Make sure to update SUCC, unless you want total carnage.
Currently supported Powers
- Added boost/lower trait to Power Effect Builder.
- Added protection to Power Effect Builder.
- Added smite trait to Power Effect Builder.
- Added growth/shrink to Power Effect Builder.
- Added sloth/speed to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Beast Friend to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Invisibility to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Confusion to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Deflection to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Arcane Protection to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Burrow to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Damage Field to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Darksight to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Detect/Conceal Arcana to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Disguise to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Environmental Protection to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Farsight to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Fly to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Intangibility to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Mind Link to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Puppet to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Slumber to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Silence to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Speak Language to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Wall Walker to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Warrior's Gift to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Empathy to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Elemental Manipulation to Power Effect Builder.
- Added Blind to Power Effect Builder.
- Enabled near-infinite duration on powers if no power points setting rule active.
- Add an AE to the caster if he is not the target, that gives the casters spellcasting trait a -1 for maintaining the power if the power is found and no power points is active. In case no power points is not used, an AE is added to the caster (if the power is found) thats sole purpose is to track and cancel maintained powers.
- If there is no active combat, start round of the effects will be set to 0 which ensures that the duration will work if combat starts while the AE is applied.
- If a power effect is set up using the power effect builder, the caster gains the ability to delete the AE on all actors he previously added it to. That means if the caster drops the power (or the duration runs out) it will be dropped on each actor, giving full control over maintenance to the player.
- Localisation for:
- Fear Table function.
- Mark Dead function.
- Various new localisation strings.
- New setting to check single reload by default.
- Make tokens invisible (no player owner) or half transparent (player owner) when the invisibility condition is applied.
- Make tokens slightly less visible if an effect called "Intangibility" (or their localised counterpart) is applied.
- Token Vision macro opens up if the torch condition is applied or removed.
- The Holding condition makes the token indeed holding in the combat tracker. Removing the condition prompts the player with a dialogue to choose between acting now or after current turn. The initiative is then set appropriately. This gives the player more control over their own initiative and alleviates GM workload.
- On world load SWIM will set the round time to 6 seconds as appropriate to the setting. This is a temporary implementation and will be removed as soon as the system covers this by itself.
- Added plea for support on SWIM config menu.
- Incapacitation and Bleeding Out are added as overlays instead of small icons now. Inc. will be set as small icon if Bleeding Out is applied.
- Changed and fixed Deviation link to be future proof.
- Various errors in the personal health center that prevented chat messages from being created.
- Incorrectly named translation string.
- Fixed a bug in the ammo management where single reloading a weapon which is full would overflow the weapons capacity.
- Fixed a bug that caused weapons which do not require reloading actions to reload anyway.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the removal of Shaken if all Wounds were soaked.
[0.17.1] - 2022-04-27
☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️
- Faulty Translation string in Ammo Management (@Razortide)
[0.17.0] - 2022-04-21
☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️
- Combat Setup Button in the Token Actions:
- Automatically adds all tokens on the current scene to the combat tracker (excluding NPCs which are incapacitated)
- Automatically starts combat, drawing initiative for all tokens and sets the turn to the first token
- Settings to define a combat playlist which starts when combat starts
- When combat starts, all playlists are stopped
- There is a way to define a folder in the settings which holds playlists that are never stopped on combat start.
- Added Macro Option tab in SWIM configuration window.
- Added ability for Shape Change function to have the token be a larger size on a raise. The scale multiplier is a configurable option in the Macro Option tab (@pmoore603).
- Added constants.js file as a central repository for constant values (@pmoore603).
- Dismiss function for the Mighty Summoner: If the selected token is a summoned creature, the owner (and GMs) can choose to dismiss it instead of summoning a new creature.
- Token Vision now supports custom (and preset) light colours.
- Started localization of some macros (@Razortide). This is far from being finished and a long-term project but there will be some amount of process in future releases until it's all done.
- New sound effect for use in the token vision.
- Enhanced Shape Change function to morph changing token into each other by growing/shrinking size and opacity (alpha) of both tokens as needed (@pmoore603).
- This can be configured (and disabled) in the settings.
- Enhanced numeric input handling for SWIM configuration. Allows number input fields to have min, max, and step fields, which allows fields to be range and precision (decimal places) checked (@pmoore603).
- Token Vision now enables non-GMs to edit their vision type.
- Corrected an issue in the Shape Change function where temporary preset actors were incorrectly cleaned up. The issue happened when the player transforms into the same creature twice (or more) in a row (@pmoore603).
[0.16.0] - 2022-04-03
☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️
- Common Bond function to give a Benny from one token to another.
- Free Reroll to the Radiation Centre macro if the Soldier Edge is found.
- Added warnings to some functions to install Helath Estimate if it is not installed.
- Localisation for Edges and Abilities. The module should now be functional in other languages. Please note that a lot of texts are still not localised. This is a lengthy process that will be done bit by bit over the course of the following months. New functionality will be fully localised however.
- Added Coup (50 Fathoms) to the benny checker.
- Added SFX to execute when BR2 sends the unshake hook.
- Added SFX player to the API.
- Added default volume option to the settings.
- Mighty Summoner macro that summons a creature selected by the user.
- Soak Damage now allows for Incapacitation rolls and applies appropriate injuries.
- PHC can heal Wounds and remove fatigue for non-owned tokens/actors in the Personal Health Centre (PHC).
- PHC offers a way to use the Healing skill in combat to remove Bleeding Out and/or Inc but not Wounds (important because healing Wounds takes ten minutes, stabilising however is an Action).
- PHC now removes combat injuries and those from Incapacitation (unless they are permanent).
- PHC now removes Bleeding Out before and Incapacitation with Wounds.
- PHC now removes the Health Estimate flag if Incapacitated.
- Shape Changer now copies the permission settings from the original actor to give the player owner permissions.
- Shape Changer adds focus to new token.
- Refactored the shape changer script to a few less lines (@pmoore603).
- Shape changer now makes the newly created actor the same
as the original. This means that PCs will change into PCs and NPCs will change into NPCs, no matter what the preset type is. This is important for the Joker's Wild setting rule to work properly. - GMs are now able to access all shape change sizes instead of only those the characters rank permits.
- The injury table results are no longer checked with case sensitive translation strings.
- Radiation Centre will now inform about Benny use.
- Small fix in shape changer that will hopefully update the combat.
- Combat injuries were not properly applied in soak damage.
- A bug that caused the PHC to break because of a faulty setting string.
- A leftover variable declaration in the shape changer caused it to fail when trying to play the VFX if executed by a non-GM.
- Fixed missing variable exception error when shape changing (@pmoore603).
- Shape changer now adds elevation of the original token to the newly created token (thanks @pmoore603 for spotting this).
- Shape changer now creates the new actor in the proper folder even if executed by non-GM.
- Shape changer dialogue now gets the proper div class.
- Unstun doesn't remove prone but now properly removes stunned on a raise (thanks @Razortide for spotting).
- Macros now have the proper icons from SUCC.
- English
- German (@Razortide)
[0.15.0] - 2022-03-18
☮️ Give Peace a chance! 🕊️
- A full-fledged, all-new API the module makes much use of now. Thanks to honeybadger#2614 for the suport on setting it up.
- Finally an auto-updateable BR2 Ammo Management macro. You'll need to import it from the BR2 folder inside the SWIM compendium into your world (or just copy and paste the one line of code to the macro you already have) and you're set, no need to manually update it ever again (hopefully).
- A documentation for the new API.
- A new configuration menu with tabs (made by @javierriveracastro).
- Default options for the chase setup.
- BREAKING: Due to changes in Foundry VTT core all script macros had to be pulled out of the compendium and are now maintained as .js files in the module itself. As a Result, all auto-update macros became unusable. You need to import the new auto-update macros in your world (and delete the old ones), then you'll be set up for the future. This time for good (hopefully).
- More options on laying out cards for other chase scenes (made by @pmoore603).
- Shape Changer now adds the new token (the target of the shape shift) up in the combat tracker.
- Players were unable to execute the macros due to permission enforcement changes in FVTT core. This is fixed via the aboce change.
- Players are now able to use the Shape Changer macro. Before it was GM only because of permission issues. Now it relays the script to the GM.
- Deprecated all the standard macros. They are still available for reference on the repo but won't be maintained anymore. The core features are integrated into the module now and others may follow.
[0.14.1] - 2022-03-06
☮️ Give Peace a chance! 🕊️
- Stealth added as a Skill for Consumable Weapons in the BR2 Ammo Management macro.
- Fixed a bug in the (Un-)Shake and Soak Damage macros where they were still using the old way of toggling the status which caused the status to not be toggled properly.
- Fixed a bug in the BR2 ammo usage macro that caused it to not get the ammo without the loaded ammo additional stat.
- Fixed a bug that made the Unshake macro non-functional.
- Fixed a bug that prevented installing the module.
[0.14.0] - 2022-02-15
SWADE v.1+ only!
- SUCC dependency. SWADE v.1+ handles conditions inherently different from the way they were handled before, thus making CUB not viable any longer. Since CUB will likely take a long time until it is compatible with SWADE once again, I have teamed up with Javier again to create SUCC which works similar to CUBs Enhanced Conditions but it built for SWADE and thus requires less setup.
- A new setting to register the Irradiated Condition.
- Hijacked (or rather: replaced) the SWADE systems "Clear Chase" button and added the Chase Layout Manager instead. Make sure to only use it on one of the chase layout scenes. Nothing bad will happen otherwise but the macro may not place the cards as expected.
- Added a compendium with a chase deck roll table and a compendium with the cards for that table since SWADE is going to remove the compendium with the images.
- CUB dependency. Please disable CUB in your world and use SUCC instead to continue using SWIM.
- All the condition icons as they are now in SUCC.
- CUB imports as they are of no use now.
- CUB setup documentation as it is not needed anymore.
- Removed SWADE Systems chase button from the left scene controls.
- A bug in the shape changer macro that could cause issues when updating skills.
- A bug in the shape changer macro that caused players not showing all their options to shift into in creature form.
- Fixed a bug in the Deviation Macro, that made it non-functional.
- Changed the way token size settings are applied in the shape changer macro to reduce load and thus improve performance.
- Changed the macros to use SUCC rather than CUB for handling conditions.
- Changed the check for the Irradiated condition in the radiation centre macro from CUB to SUCC and added a dialogue for GMs to activate it from the macro itself.
- Changed the license of the chase layouts. They may not be redistributed under any circumstances.