Releases: SalieriC/SWIM
[0.9.0] - 2021-07-05
Possibly compatible with Foundry 0.8.x but I can't say for sure.
You need to update these macros:
- Ammo Management (enhanced)
- SWIM: Ammo Management
- Now also features the ability to play SFX only without the need for ammunition. For this just set the Ammo on the weapon to be
(exactly like this). This may be useful if you want SFX for melee weapons. It uses the same sfx path structure (see below), so you'll have the same sfx for melee and ranged attacks unfortunately. - Chase Setup macro for a quick setup that takes only a click. Also supports cleaning the table.
- Six chase layouts, one for foot/riding chases, one for (ground) vehicle chases and one for ship (watercraft, aircraft and spacecraft) chases/battles with regular and modern theme each. See the Chase Scenes documentation for details.
- Immersion macro to play SFX when using powers in BR2. It does not manage Power Points, just plays a sound effect when using a power.
[0.8.0] - 2021-07-01
Possibly compatible with Foundry 0.8.x but I can't say for sure.
You need to update these macros:
- (Un-)Stun
- Ammo Management (enhanced)
- SWIM: Ammo Management
- Ammo Management: Now supports Weapons that do not require a reload action (i.e. bows).
- Ammo Management: Now offers a way to only reload a single bullet instead of reloading the entire weapon. This is especially useful for revolvers and such.
- Ammo Management: Charge Packs can now change the ammo type but old Charge Packs are only refilled if the weapons current shots are equal the maximum shots as there is no way to track remaining charges on a Charge Pack.
- Ammo Management (BR2 integration only): Now supports weapons which may be thrown but don't need to. It filters for a set of Skills and only applies ammo usage if such skills are found. See the documentation on Ammo Management for further details.
- BR2 integration for ammo management now gets the correct amount of shots from BR2 (requires Better Rolls 2 (BR2) greater than version 2.36.).
[0.7.0] - 2021-05-29
You need to update these macros:
- All of them.
- All Macros that became broken due to the Foundry Version 0.7.10
- Fixed a bug in the Unshake (SWADE) macro that removed Shaken on a Failure.
- Reload and Reload (enhanced) macro.
- BR2 integration for Shooting action.
- Scale calculator macro, thanks @brunocalado.
- Deviation macro, thanks @brunocalado.
- (Un-)Stun now also applies Elan bonus on rerolls if the selected token has that edge.
Most of these macros cannot be used as they are, reading the ReadMe is mandatory!
If you want to use the new Ammo Managemenet, make sure to read the Documentation on Ammo Management as well!
I can't stress enough how important it is to do so. Do not blame me, if something goes sideways if you haven't read and followed the steps outlined there!
[0.6.1] - 2021-03-10
You need to update these macros:
- Spend Benny
- (Un-)Shake (both versions)
- (Un-)Stun
- Personal Health Centre
- Power Point Management
- Soak Damage
- Removed the border of images in chat messages.
- Fixed a breaking bug that caused the module to not work if SWADE Spices & Flavours was not installed (thx @khitan#9089 for bringing it to my attention).
[0.6.0] - 2021-03-10
It is mandatory to read the ReadMe for this module. Read it in full before you complain about anything.
You need to update these macros:
- (Un-)Stunned
- Personal Health Centre
- RollTable importer macro.
- Cure Fatigue and Healing Potion options added to the Personal Health Centre macro.
- Drinking a potion reduces its quantity. If it was the last it gets removed.
- Drinking a potion has its own sfx (configurable in the settings).
- Potion names can be configures in the modules settings. Must be exact names (also case sensitive) and seperated by
- Potion names can be configures in the modules settings. Must be exact names (also case sensitive) and seperated by
- Added a drinking sfx to the assets.
- Unstun chat message on spending a Benny was giving false information.
[0.5.0] - 2021-03-08
It is mandatory to read the ReadMe for this module. Read it in full before you complain about anything.
You need to update these macros:
- (Un-)Shake (both versions)
- (Un-)Stun
- Fear Table
- Personal Health Centre
- Power Point Management
- Soak Damage
- Token Vision
- Raise Calculator (both versions)
- Raise Calculator (Dynamic) now accessible from the basic controls on the left side.
- Default Buttons to most dialogues (where it makes sense).
- Added autofocus to input fields in dialogues (where it makes sense).
- Added autoselection of input content when rendering a dialogue as well es on selecting the input to reduce the amount of mouse usage needed to operate the macros.
- Documentation on how to set up CUB.
- The Dynamic version of the Raise Calculator now changes the output on typing (even more dynamically), thus the Result input doesn't need to loose focus anymore.
- Token Vision Makro was not working for non GM users.
This update focuses solely on SWADE 0.17.0 and above support. Do not update unless you're using SWADE 0.17.x.
[0.3.0] - 2021-03-03
You need to update these macros:
- (Un-)Shake (both versions)
- (Un-)Stun
- Personal Health Centre
- Soak Damage
- Support for Special Abilities
- Ability Converter macro (read the ReadME!)
- Thick Fur (Saga of the Goblin Horde) for +2 Soak Rolls in the Soak Damage macro.
- Minor bug that caused some macros to not display all included Edges in the results chat message (thanks javierrivera#4813 for spotting that).
[0.2.0] - 2021-02-26
You need to update these macros:
- Personal Health Centre.
- Soak Damage.
- Added a male huh sfx for removing Fatigue (and healing for now).
- Added a heartbeat sfx for Inc.!
- Added a checkbox to activate Gritty Damage.
- Injury Table is now independent of Gritty Damage.
- Fixed a typo that caused the injury table localisation to not show.
- Fixed Personal Health Centre playing sound even if no wounds were healed.
- Fixed Personal Health Centre showing a message reading that wounds will be removed even if no wounds were healed.