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Define quality variables for evaluating the risk associated with R packages.


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test-coverage R-CMD-check Coverage



Open-source projects can improve how clinical trials work by making them more transparent and collaborative to solve problems and define a common standard in the clinical trial ecosystem.

Successful open source packages such as admiral, tern and as well as collaborative initiatives (Pharmaverse, Transcellerate, Phuse) could greatly standardize and harmonize processes for different laboratories as well as allowing for faster deliverable for submission.

However, open source raises inherent challenges in terms of:

Aspect Security Legal Operational
Considerations - Vulnerability issues
- Confidentiality concerns
- Is the source code under a non-permissive license? - Is the package maintained by an active community?
- Does it follow good practices?
- Is it sustainable?

We need to use open-source projects responsibly and safely by adhering to best practices and ensure the reliability of the package being utilized for FDA submission.

Our goal is to establish a comprehensive and reliable package that helps to determine a package’s reliability and security in terms of maintenance, documentation, and dependencies.

This package is designed to carry out a risk assessment for internal or open source R packages.

This packages can:

  • Actively run R CMD check (a series of technical checks that ensure examples run
    successfully, tests pass, the packages are compatible with other packages on CRAN)

  • Provide some answers as to why certain steps are not passing

  • Actively run test coverage checks to ensure tests pass and calculate unit test coverage

  • create a traceability matrix that matches the function / test descriptions to tests
    and match to test pass/fail and associated test coverage

  • Can be executed in several environments (different OS, wise) and with different R

  • Can work with package versions

  • Provide a overall risk score

It calculates risk metrics such as:

Core metrics - includes R command check, unit test coverage and composite coverage of dependencies

Documentation metrics - availability of vignettes, news tracking, example(s), return object description for exported functions, and type of license


This package has the following steps in the workflow to assess the risk of an R package using riskmetric:

Finding a source for package information locally (renv.lock file or installed local package tar.gz file Assessing the package under validation criteria and scoring the assessment criteria assess_pkg()

The results are assembled in a dataset of validation criteria containing an overall risk score for each package as shown in the example below.

This package executes the following tasks:

  1. upload the source package(tar.gz file) locally

  2. Unpack the tar.gz file

  3. Install the package locally

  4. Run code coverage

  5. Run a traceability matrix

  6. Run R CMD check

  7. Run risk assessment metrics using default weighting


from github repository

  • Create a Personal Access Token (PAT) on github

  • Create a .Renviron file with your GITHUBTOKEN as:

# .Renviron
  • restart R session
  • You can install the package with:
auth_token = Sys.getenv("GITHUBTOKEN")
devtools::install_github("Sanofi-Public/risk.assessr", ref = "main", auth_token = auth_token)

from CRAN


Assessing package

To assess your package, do the following steps:

1 - save your package as a tar.gz file

  • This can be done in RStudio -> Build Tab -> More -> Build Source Package

2 - Run the following code sample and use file.choose to load your tar.gz file


# for local tar.gz R package
risk_assess_package <- risk.assessr::risk_assess_pkg()


To assess Open source package on CRAN/Bioconductor

# The function will retrieve the latest version of the package if no version is provided

results <- risk.assessr::assess_pkg_r_package(package_name, version=NA)

Result: Metrics and Risk assessment

# to check the overall riskmetric results
[1] "here"

[1] "1.0.1"


[1] "2024-12-13 11:44:27"

[1] ""

[1] "Windows"

[1] "build 22631"

[1] "10 x64"

[1] "x86-64"

[1] " "

[1] 1

[1] 1

[1] 1

[1] 1

[1] 0.4680851

[1] 1

[1] 1

[1] 1

[1] 1

[1] 1

[1] 1

[1] 0.6791787

[1] 0

[1] 0.9867

[1] "rprojroot (>= 2.0.2)#conflicted#covr#fs#knitr#palmerpenguins#plyr#readr#rlang#rmarkdown#testthat#uuid#withr#Imports#Suggests#Suggests#Suggests#Suggests#Suggests#Suggests#Suggests#Suggests#Suggests#Suggests#Suggests#Suggests"

[1] 0.04742587

[1] 0.9738213

[1] 0.2963015

[1] "Medium"
``` r

Check the RCMD check results

── R CMD check results ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── here 1.0.1 ────
Duration: 46.9s

0 errors ✔ | 0 warnings ✔ | 0 notes ✔
> # to check the RCMD check score
> risk_assess_package$check_list$check_score
[1] 1

Check the test coverage results

[1] 0.9867

[1] "here-1.0.1"

     R/aaa.R  R/dr_here.R     R/here.R     R/i_am.R R/set_here.R      R/zzz.R 
      100.00       100.00       100.00        95.83       100.00       100.00 

[1] 98.67

[1] NA

[1] NA

Traceability Matrix

# A tibble: 4 × 5
  exported_function code_script  documentation description                   coverage_percent
  <chr>             <chr>        <chr>         <chr>                                    <dbl>
1 dr_here           R/dr_here.R  dr_here.Rd    "dr_here() shows a message t…            100  
2 here              R/here.R     here.Rd       "here() uses a reasonable he…            100  
3 i_am              R/i_am.R     i_am.Rd       "Add a call to here::i_am(\"…             95.8
4 set_here          R/set_here.R set_here.Rd   "html<a href='https://www.ti…            100

Current/Future directions

  • Experimental analysis to define overall risk profile
  • Open source database with risk.assessr data on package and on internal environment


The project is inspired by the riskmetric package and the mpn.scorecard package and draws on some of their ideas and functions.


Define quality variables for evaluating the risk associated with R packages.







No packages published
