This small plugin allows for the use of Twitter Emojis in the SCEditor on Forumactif forums.
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You can find a demo on my forumactif test forum here. Just click the Emoji button () in the editor toolbar !
To instsall this plugin go to Admin Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management and create a new script with the following settings.
- Title : Twemoji
- Placement : In all the pages
- Paste the raw source into the textarea and click submit
Once you're finished, you should now be able to use Emojis in your messages on your forum.
Note: Hold Ctrl to select multiple emojis at once.
At the top of the script is a few settings :
: Defines the tooltip text displayed when you hover over the emoji button.
: Defines the default size of the emojis ; 16x16 by default. The sizes available are 16, 36, or 72. You can change this for larger or smaller emoji icons.
: Defines a list of twitter emojis in JavaScript Escaped Unicode Code Points. In this string you can edit the position of emojis, or remove ones you don't want. You can use this converter for converting characters and javascript escapes :
For extended technical details and customization, please see the github page for twitter emojis :