In the name of God
||| The Missing Manual for Contribution in Communities |||
This is a book diving deep into the every aspect of contribution (question/answer) in communities like Stack Overflow
, Reddit
, Quora
, Github
, Twitter
etc. in the right manner.

Stack Overflow The Right Way - Github
EN version Updated (Under Translation 50%)
Complete Book in PowerPoint Format -
version -
Complete Book in PowerPoint Format -
version (50% done) -
version for each language
- Introduction
- How to ask good questions?
- Why are some questions closed?
- What if my QA got down/close Votes?
- Professional Search on Stack Overflow
- How to get more scores?
- Final Notes
Please feel free to contribute to the quality of this content by submitting PRs for improvements to code snippets, explanations, etc. While typo fixes are welcomed, they will likely be caught through normal editing/publishing processes, so please don't worry about them right now or try fix multiple typos or grammar issues at once(in one commit).
Any contributions you make to this effort are of course greatly appreciated.
But PLEASE read the Contributions Guidelines carefully before submitting a PR.
If you'd like to donate towards the effort (or any of my other OSS efforts), please consider these options:
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was created in 2015 to provide resources and information needed by researchers in the field of AI and deep learning.
I also want to extend a warm and deep thanks to these wonderful colleagues who helped me on this journey and supported me by their precious comments on various part of the book:
Seyyed Hossein Hasanpour - Founder of
Hamann Naqiniarami - UI/UX Designer
Pouriya Jahanbakhsh - Software Developer
Ali Reza Barkhordari - Software Engineer
Zahra Mirzaei - Frontend Developer
Seyyed Mahdi Hassanpour 💻 |
Seyyed Hossein Hasanpour 💻 |
Hamann Naqiniarami |
The materials herein are all © 2023 Seyyed Mahdi Hassanpour (SeyyedKhandon).
This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.