🌱 Currently Learning: Docker | Supabase | AWS | Advanced System Design | Microservices Architecture.
💬 Feel Free to Ask About: Full-Stack Development, Ruby on Rails, Python, Firebase, or create an issue here.
⚡ Fun Fact: The iconic cloaks of the Game of Thrones Night's Watch were made from IKEA rugs.
🎯 Objective: To build innovative, scalable, and secure software solutions that have a meaningful impact on people's lives.
📈 Achievements: Open-source contributor with 1K+ stars and built applications with 10K+ active users.
- ⚙️ **Backend Development:** Expertise in designing scalable APIs with Node.js, Express.js, and Flask.
- 🎨 **Frontend Development:** Building responsive, dynamic UIs with React.js, Angular, and Next.js.
- 💾 **Database Management:** Skilled in MySQL, MongoDB, and Firebase Realtime Database.
- ☁️ **Cloud & DevOps:** Proficient in managing scalable cloud infrastructure using AWS, Docker, and Supabase.
- 🔧 **Development Tools & Workflows:** Experienced with Git, JIRA, Agile methodologies, and CI/CD pipelines.
- 📊 **System Design & Architecture:** Knowledge of designing microservices, event-driven architecture, and distributed systems.
- 💼 **[E-commerce Marketplace](https://github.com/SIBOSHREE-Roy/ecommerce-marketplace):** A comprehensive, scalable e-commerce platform offering features such as user authentication and payment integration.
- 🌟 **[Personal Portfolio](https://personalprotfolios.netlify.app/):** A modern and interactive portfolio showcasing my projects and achievements.
- 🔗 **[API Management System](https://github.com/SIBOSHREE-Roy/api-management):** A tool for managing RESTful APIs with advanced monitoring and analytics dashboards.