I am a Full-stack engineer who builds elegant, performant, and accessible web products. If you are looking for a developer who has a keen eye for details and a passion for performance, then you can knock me to join your team.
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- Create Eye-Catching Button Effect with Rotating Glow Animation
- 3D Parallax Hover Effect Using TailwindCSS
- Run your Github Actions jobs from a specific directory
- How to use JetBrainsMono in VSCode (New font in the town)
- How to make a fancy date picker for mobile by Angular Virtual Scrolling
- Create a gradient progress bar with CSS
- Create an overlay without creating a new element
- Implement dark mode with Next.js+TailwindCSS in 5 minutes
- How to make a gradient border just in 2 steps
- Stylize your background with backdrop-filter.
- Control your grid flow with grid-auto-flow
- Make a route guard to implement Role-based access control (RBAC) in Angular
- Change style on scroll using Intersection Observer API