Marvel Info Portal app uses official Marvel Developer API. Can be used to gather info about Marvel comics and characters.
Built on React, React Router, Redux Toolkit Query & more. Not adapted for mobile devices and smaller widths.
- Make it possible to search characters, read information about them and comics with them
- Smooth transitions, list animations
- Keyboard accesibility, focus & hover states
- Error boundaries
- Live Site URL: Marvel Information Portal on Heroku
- CSS Grid, SCSS
- React - JS library
- Redux & Redux Toolkit - JS library for managing state & queries
- React Router - React library
- Framer Motion - For animations & transitions
- React Hook Form - React library for forms
- React Helmet Async - Page helmet customization
How to use real world API & queries, work with animations and make app keyboard-accesible.
My remaining targets for the app:
- Put characters/comics list into RTK EntityAdapter via RTK Query
- Sergej Zhilinskij - Github
Big thanks to Ivan Petrichenko - His page with courses on Udemy. The app was started on his course and I highly recommend his course to everyone who wants to learn JS/React.