This repository provides a set of tests focused on automating common mobile gestures using Appium for mobile app testing, that includes gestures like taps, swipes, scrolls, drag-and-drop, and zoom using the ApiDemos app.
- Mobile Gestures Overview
- Scrolling
- Swiping
- Drag and Drop
- Sliding Seek Bar
- Zoom In and Out
- Running the Tests
- Install Appium Server.
- Install Appium Inspector.
- Apk file.
- Set up a virtual or real Android device for testing.
Mobile gestures simulate user interactions on touch devices like smartphones and tablets. These interactions include:
- Tap: Quick touch, similar to a mouse click.
- Long Press: Touch and hold an element.
- Swipe: Move your finger across the screen to scroll or switch views.
- Scroll: Navigate content that extends beyond the screen's view.
- Drag and Drop: Move an object by dragging and releasing it.
- Zoom In/Out: Use two fingers to change zoom levels.
- Automate scrolling actions using Appium Inspector.
- Write the ScrollToText method to scroll until the text "Lists" is found.
- Click on Lists and verify that " Single choice list" is displayed.
- Automate swipe gestures using Appium Inspector.
- Use Selenium's Actions class to simulate swiping.
- Click and hold on the first image, move by an offset, and release.
- Verify that the third image is visible.
- Automate drag and drop gestures.
- Use By.Id to find the draggable and drop target elements.
- Use JavaScript actions to drag and drop the first red dot over the second one.
- Verify that the "Dropped!" message is displayed.
- Automate sliding actions for a seek bar.
- Use Appium Inspector's Coordinates Mode to get the precise sliding coordinates.
- Slide the seek bar to a specific value and assert the value is displayed.
- Write MoveSeekBarWithInspectorCoordinates method to slide the bar from the start to the end coordinates.
- Verify the displayed value matches the expected result.
- Use Appium Inspector to create a zoom-in gesture and execute it.
- Zoom out using similar steps.
- Use the saved gesture to zoom in and out at specific coordinates on the WebView.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
For any questions or suggestions, please open an issue in the repository.