TanStack Pacer v1
Utilities for debouncing, throttling, queuing, and more.
Try other TanStack libraries:
- TanStack Query
- TanSack Table
- TanStack Router
- TanStack Virtual
- TanStack Form
- TanStack Ranger
- TanStack Pacer
Visit tanstack.com/table for docs, guides, API and more!
You may know TanSack Pacer by our adapter names, too!
TanStack Pacer is a framework agnostic utility library that provides powerful debouncing, throttling, and scheduling capabilities, with framework specific adapters for major frameworks like React, Solid, Vue, Angular, and Svelte.
Install one of the following packages based on your framework of choice:
# Npm
npm install @tanstack/react-pacer
npm install @tanstack/solid-pacer
npm install @tanstack/pacer # no framework, just vanilla js