Library to work with geographic coordinates
- Support to
- Dependencies
- How to use
- Contribution
- .NET 9.0
- .NET 8.0
- .NET 7.0
- .NET 6.0
- .NET 5.0
- .NET 3.1
- .NET Standard 2.1
- .NET Framework 4.6.2 or more
- Newtonsoft.Json NuGet (.NET Framework 4.6.2 | .NET Framework 4.8 | .NET Standard 2.1)
This package is available through Nuget Packages:
Install-Package PowerUtils.Geolocation
dotnet add package PowerUtils.Geolocation
namespace PowerUtils.Geolocation.Exceptions
namespace PowerUtils.Geolocation.Types
public enum CardinalDirection
public enum DistanceUnit
public enum GeographicalOrientation
namespace PowerUtils.Geolocation
Convert kilometers to meters (int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, decimal)
// result = 45_000
var result = 45.FromKilometerToMeter();
Convert kilometers to miles (float, double, decimal)
// result = 137.472_122
var result = (221.24).FromKilometerToMile();
Converting (double, decimal, float) numbers in kilometers to a new unit
// result = 20_000
var result = 20.FromKilometerTo(DistanceUnit.Meter);
Convert meters to kilometers (int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, decimal)
// result = 45
var result = (45_000).FromMeterToKilometer();
Convert meters to kilometers (float, double, decimal)
// result = 7.098204899547
var result = (11_423.457).FromMeterToMile();
Converting (double, decimal, float) numbers in meters to a new unit
// result = 0.002
var result = 2.FromMeterTo(DistanceUnit.kilometer);
Convert miles to meters (float, double, decimal)
// result = 356_050.3816
var result = (221.24).FromMileToMeter();
Convert miles to kilometers (float, double, decimal)
// result = 356.05038160000004
var result = (221.24).FromMileToKilometer();
Converting (double, decimal, float) numbers in miles to a new unit
// result = 32_18.68
var result = 2.FromMileTo(DistanceUnit.kilometer);
Get the geographical orientation from a specific cardinal direction
// result = GeographicalOrientation.Longitude
var result = CardinalDirection.North.GetGeographicalOrientation();
Convert degree to radian (PI / 180)
// result = 0.19198621771937624
var result = 11.ToRadian();
Convert radian to degree (180 / PI)
// result = 11
var result = (0.19198621771937624).ToDegree();
Convert radian to degree (180 / PI)
// result = 11
var result = (0.19198621771937624).ToDegree();
Convert decimal degree point (string) to decimal degree point (double)
// result = -8.668_173
var result = "-8,668173".ToDDPoint();
namespace PowerUtils.Geolocation
Decimal degree coordinate
var coordinate = new GeoDDCoordinate(81.54, -54.1272);
(var latitude, var longitude) = coordinates;
Deconstruct GeoDDCoordinate to double latitude and double longitude
(var latitude, var longitude) = coordinates;
Create a new object 'GeoDDCoordinate' with the same data
(var newCoordinate = coordinates.Clone();
GeoDDCoordinate left = new(1.54, 54.1272);
GeoDDCoordinate right = new(1.54, 54.1272);
// result1 = true
var result1 = left == right;
// result2 = false
var result2 = left != right;
// result3 = true
var result3 = left.Equals(right);
var text1 = "-12.51214,14.1272";
var coordinate = (GeoDDCoordinate)text1;
var text2 = (string)coordinate;
var coordinate1 = GeoDDCoordinate.Parse("12,152", "-8,12");
var coordinate2 = GeoDDCoordinate.Parse("81.54 , -54.1272");
var result3 = GeoDDCoordinate.TryParse("12,152", "-8,12", out var coordinate3);
var result4 = GeoDDCoordinate.TryParse("81.54 , -54.1272", out var coordinate4);
// distance1 = 189143
var distance1 = GeoDDCoordinate.Distance(37.165611, -8.545786, 38.737545, -9.370047, 0);
// distance2 = 18542.719416538552
var distance2 = GeoDDCoordinate.PreciseDistance(37.068673, -7.939493, 37.098708, -8.145107);
GeoDDCoordinate left = new(37.068673, -7.939493);
GeoDDCoordinate right = new(37.098708, -8.145107);
// distance3 = 18543
var distance3 = left.Distance(right);
var coordinate = new GeoDDCoordinate(9.1, 12);
var result = new GeoJSON(coordinate);
var coordinate = new GeoDDCoordinate(9.1, 12);
var geoJSON = (GeoJSON)coordinate;
var result = (GeoDDCoordinate)geoJSON;
var latitude = GuardGeolocation.Against.Latitude(degree);
var longitude = GuardGeolocation.Against.Longitude(degree);
- Exception
- MinLatitudeException
- MaxLatitudeException
- Exception
- MinLongitudeException
- MaxLongitudeException
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please open an issue or create a pull request