- Copy the following AutoHotkey (AHK) Snippet to your runninig AHK Script
; Pressing Alt + t to activate the HotKey
; Copying Selection
SendInput {LCtrl down}{x down}
Sleep 100
SendInput {x up}{LCtrl up}
ClipWait, 1
; Replacing all Whitespaces with · necessary, because Input String seperating at Whitespace when running script
ipt := StrReplace(Format("{1:s}", Clipboard)," ","·")
; Run the Python script
RunWait, pythonw.exe "C:\Users\thies\PycharmProjects\csv-clip2table\main.py" %ipt%
; Pasting Selekction
SendInput {LCtrl down}{v down}
Sleep 100
SendInput {v up}{LCtrl up}
ClipWait, 1
- Install the required Python packages by running the following command
pip install -r C:\Users\thies\PycharmProjects\csv-clip2table\requirements.tx
The selection used must have the following format (# separator):
Header 1 # Header 2 # Header 3
Entry 1 # Entry 2 # Entry 3
Entry 4 # Entry 5 # Entry 6
Now select all lines and press Alt + t and let the script do its magic ;)