Languages I'm using / used to use on day to day basis. (SORTED BY A-Z except from Rust ♥)
• A client implementation of the decentralized protocol we all love.
• A fully asynchronus IRC client and protocol implementation (RFC1459 and RFC2812 summary)
• A cross-platform Command and Control server and agent (fully encrypted with SSL-like handshake)
• An implementation of TCP hole punching (NAT Traversal)
• (GitHub API Wrapper)
• (A Discord bot which implements an economy game)
• (A Type racer game implemented)
• • N/A (mainly Flutter developent)
• (A Minecraft plugin which implements One In The Chamber)
• (A / Express / discord.js / RethinkDB app full example of how dashboards should work.)
• (A simple custom logging module for your day to day apps)
• (A Discord bot boilerplate for maintainable code)
- More experience derives from day to day usages and working as a R&D Developer at a respectable comapny.
• N/A
• N/A
Netsle is an open sourced project aimed to provide monitoring abilities of a network (enterprise/home based). at it's core Netsle uses a layer in the Linux system called "eBPF" it's essentially the first place in the system where packets go to, right after the network adapter.
then we can drop/pass/halt packets and monitor their behaviours and the different contents. Netsle has a Dashboard which aims to provide very basic information about the network such as:
- Network usage (downstream)
- Packets amount respective to a selected time
- The most used ports in the network
- The most communicated-with hosts in the network
Netsle also has the ability to let the net-admin to block hosts from the network using a rather intuative UI which lets you submit an IP to blacklist and update the router with the respective arguments.