Bot Join X Empire (Musk Empire)
Join Game Bot for X Empire (Musk Empire)
Feature | Supported |
Multithreading | ✅ |
Binding a proxy to a session | ✅ |
Sleep before run each session | ✅ |
Claim daily grant | ✅ |
Claim reward for friends | ✅ |
Claim reward for quests | ✅ |
Claim offline bonus | ✅ |
Automatic taps | ✅ |
PvP negotiations | ✅ |
Daily quiz and rebus solution | ✅ |
Investing in funds (combo for profit) | ✅ |
Automatic skill improvement | ✅ |
Docker | ✅ |
Option | Description |
API_ID / API_HASH | Platform data for launching a Telegram session |
TAPS_ENABLED | Taps enabled (True / False) |
TAPS_PER_SECOND | Random number of taps per second (e.g. [20,30], max. 30) |
INVEST_ENABLED | Investments enabled (True / False) |
PVP_ENABLED | PvP negotiations enabled (True / False) |
PVP_LEAGUE | League in negotiations (e.g. bronze or auto for automatic selection) |
PVP_UPGRADE_LEAGUE | Upgrade league if league specified in PVP_LEAGUE is unavailable (True / False) |
PVP_STRATEGY | Strategy in negotiations (e.g. random) |
PVP_COUNT | Number of negotiations per cycle (e.g. 10) |
SKILLS_COUNT | Number of profit skills improved per cycle (e.g. 10) |
SKILLS_MODE | Profit skill selection mode for improvement (e.g. profitness) |
IGNORED_SKILLS | Skills that the bot will not improve (e.g. ["agi", "voice_assistant", "translators"]) |
MINING_SKILLS_LEVEL | Max level of mining skill improve (e.g. 10) |
PROTECTED_BALANCE | Balance protected from spending on PvP, investments and skills (e.g. 100000000) |
REF_CODE | Your code from the invite link (e.g., hero123456) if not provided, mine will be used |
SLEEP_BETWEEN_START | Sleep before start each session (e.g. [20, 360]) |
ERRORS_BEFORE_STOP | The number of failed requests after which the bot will stop |
USE_PROXY_FROM_FILE | Whether to use proxy from the proxies.txt file (True / False) |
You can obtain the API_ID and API_HASH after creating an application at
PvP negotiations are disabled by default. Enable at your own risk. Upgrade your negotiation and ethics skills to win in case of a tie. League names for the PVP_LEAGUE parameter: bronze
, silver
, gold
, platina
, diamond
. You can also specify auto
in the PVP_LEAGUE parameter, and the bot will automatically select the lowest available league for you. The default strategy is randomly selected for each negotiation. If you wish, you can specify your own strategy, which will be used in all negotiations. Strategy names for the PVP_STRATEGY parameter: aggressive
, flexible
, protective
. The PVP_COUNT parameter determines the number of negotiations the bot will conduct in one cycle.
The answer to the daily quiz and the list of funds with guaranteed profits for investing are loaded from a json file on my website. I will try to update the data daily so that all your deployed bots can perform these actions and earn additional profit. When investing, the bet amount will always be the maximum, as the profit is guaranteed. If there is not enough money for the maximum bet, the bet amount will be reduced.
Each cycle, the bot will upgrade as many profit skills as specified in the SKILLS_COUNT parameter. The default is 10. You can specify the skill selection mode in the SKILLS_MODE parameter. There are 3 modes: profitness
(the most profitable skills based on the profit/price ratio), profit
(skills with the highest profit, regardless of price), and price
(the cheapest skills, regardless of profit). The default mode is profitness
. If possible, the bot will improve mining skills by 1 level each cycle until the level reaches the value specified in MINING_SKILLS_LEVEL parameter. Set it to 0 if you do not need to improve mining skills.
If you want to protect a certain amount of money in the balance, set the desired amount in the PROTECTED_BALANCE parameter. The bot will not allow the balance to fall below this amount.
Intervals. During the day, if TAPS_ENABLED=True
, the bot performs taps continuously, with delays only for energy recovery. Other actions are performed approximately every hour. At night, taps and other actions are performed approximately every 3 hours.
- Ensure you have Python 3.10 or a later version installed.
Attention: If you are using Python 3.12, before proceeding to the next step, you need to either remove the TgCrypto
line from requirements.txt
(TgCrypto is not critical) or install the required software for automatic compilation of this package during installation.
- Use
to install, then specify your API_ID and API_HASH in the .env file. - Use
to launch the bot (or in the console:python
- Clone the repository:
git clone && cd XEmpireBot
Attention: If you are using Python 3.12, before proceeding to the next step, you need to either remove the TgCrypto
line from requirements.txt
(TgCrypto is not critical) or install the required software for automatic compilation of this package during installation:
apt install build-essential python3-dev
- Run the installation:
chmod +x && ./
, then specify your API_ID and API_HASH in the .env file. - Use
to run the bot (or in the console:python3
$ git clone
$ cd XEmpireBot
$ cp .env-example .env
$ nano .env # specify your API_ID and API_HASH, the rest can be left as default
$ docker-compose run bot -a 1 # first run for authorization (override arguments)
$ docker-compose start # start in background mode (default arguments: -a 2)
$ docker build -t xempire_bot .
$ docker run --name XEmpireBot -v .:/app -it xempire_bot -a 1 # first run for authorization
$ docker rm XEmpireBot # remove container to recreate with default arguments
$ docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name XEmpireBot -v .:/app xempire_bot # start in background mode (default arguments: -a 2)
You can download Repository by cloning it to your system and installing the necessary dependencies:
$ git clone
$ cd XEmpireBot
# Linux
# ATTENTION: If you have installed Python 3.12, before proceeding to the next step, you need to:
# either remove the TgCrypto line from requirements.txt (TgCrypto is not critical)
# or install the necessary software for automatic compilation of this package during installation with the command: apt install build-essential python3-dev
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ cp .env-example .env
$ nano .env # specify your API_ID and API_HASH, the rest can be left as default
$ python3
# Windows (first, install Python 3.10 or a later version)
# ATTENTION: If you have installed Python 3.12, before proceeding to the next step, you need to:
# either remove the TgCrypto line from requirements.txt (TgCrypto is not critical)
# or install the necessary software for automatic compilation of this package during installation, link:
> python -m venv venv
> venv\Scripts\activate
> pip install -r requirements.txt
> copy .env-example .env
> # specify your API_ID and API_HASH, the rest can be left as default
> python
Also for quick launch you can use arguments:
$ python3 --action (1/2)
# or
$ python3 -a (1/2)
# 1 - Create session
# 2 - Run bot
$ cd XEmpireBot
# with logging
$ setsid venv/bin/python3 --action 2 >> app.log 2>&1 &
# without logging
$ setsid venv/bin/python3 --action 2 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# Now you can close the console, and the bot will continue its work.
$ ps aux | grep "python3" | grep -v grep