Releases: UnderminersTeam/UndertaleModTool
Releases · UnderminersTeam/UndertaleModTool
- Hack together something to improve working with references from external files (who thought introducing the audio groups was a good idea... Toby, why)
- Fix sprite exporter blur problems (#29)
- Allow loading files via command line argument (feel free to set UndertaleModTool as your default system tool for opening files with a .win extension :P)
- Improve the bad variable and function errors in the assembler to actually include the name
- Make resource ID loading errors less critical, this should help with detached AUDO chunks although it will spam you with warnings (This is probably not related to any surveys you might have come across recently) - @krzys-h
- A slightly buggy sprite fragment exporter, please use the full sheet exporter instead (see #29) - @krzys-h
- Internal support for Timelines (TMLN chunk) - @colinator27
- Add editor for Shaders (SHDR chunk) - @colinator27
- Implement physics shape parameters in OBJT, should help with loading games other than Undertale - @colinator27
- Name some more unknown objects and events - @colinator27
- Make null and empty string references look distinguishable - @colinator27
- Figure out some of the new GMS2 formats - @colinator27
- Display scaled objects properly in the room editor - @colinator27
- Disable saving instead of crashing on unsupported bytecode versions - @colinator27