The project was created to clean up telegram channels and groups - written in C#.
In order to get started, you need to tell the project itself and specify all the important fields in the TelegramBotService class, such as - phone number, AppID, AppHash.
Phone number - The phone number to which the confirmation code will be sent
AppId - It is taken from Telegram when creating your application and Telegram itself will provide you with your code.
AppHash - It is taken from Telegram when creating your application and Telegram itself will provide you with your code.
[TelegramBotService -> GetAllUsers].
[In this fragment, all these fields are set]
When you first start the application, you will receive a confirmation code to your phone number to register your bot.
And after all the operations done, you will only have to add the bot to the group - where you need to clean up unnecessary users and bots. And after that, write the /Clear command to the group and it will remain to wait for feedback from the bot after cleaning