TrueDiffDetective extends DiffDetective by the option to chose truediff as diffing algorithm. It is (mainly) implemented in Scala and using sbt as build tool (like truediff), but can easily be used in Java/Maven projects as well.
You can obtain a local maven repository with TrueDiffDetective and all necessary
dependencies by running nix-build -A maven
. It can be used by passing
to sbt
or mvn
Alternatively, the plain TrueDiffDetective jars can be build by running
. The jar can be installed into your Maven cache using something like
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.variantsync -DartifactId=TrueDiffDetective -Dversion=0.1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=./result/share/java/truediffdetective_2.13-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar
- Scala 2 and sbt (Scala 3 will only work with some modifications)
- Java 17 and Maven (for DiffDetective)
- DiffDetective (see
- truediff (see
DiffDetective and truediff are required in the local Maven repository.
To install DiffDetective using Maven:
git clone
cd DiffDetective
mvn clean install
Be sure to actually (re-)compile DiffDetective with version 17 of Java.
In case of doubt or obscure errors later on, try removing the maven cache with rm -rf ~/.m2
before installing DiffDetective.
To install truediff using sbt:
git clone
cd truediff
sbt publishM2
To install truediff using sbt:
git clone
cd TrueDiffDetective
sbt publishM2
To use TrueDiffDetective in a sbt project add dependency:
"org.variantsync" % "truediffdetective_2.13" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
To use TrueDiffDetective in a Maven project add dependency: