A little more about me... In development
npx victor1890
const victor1890 = {
code: ["Javascript", "Typescript", "C#", "C", "C++", "Java", "Dart"],
askMeAbout: ["Responsible", "Organized", "Social", "Fast Learning", "Collaborator / Contributor"],
technologies: {
mobileApp: ["React-Native", "Flutter"], //bacis
frontend: {
js: ["React", "NextJs", "VanillaJs"],
css: ["Materialize", "Material-UI", "Bootstrap", "Tailwind"]
backend: {
[js || ts]: ["Node", "Express", "GraphQL", "TypeORM", "Deno", "Golang"], //basic Deno
asp: ["ASP.Net Core"]
databases: ["SQL Server", "SQLite", "Firebase", "MongoDB", "PostgreSQL", "Redis"]
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From Good to Great: Scaling Applications with TypeORM Optimization
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Updated at: 2025-03-28T04:04:11Z