Routable is a Dart/Flutter package that provides code generation for routing in Flutter applications. It uses annotations to define routes and generates the necessary code to handle navigation.
This package uses go_router package and aims to simplify the process of defining routes in Flutter applications.
- Define routes using annotations
- Generate route configurations automatically
- Supports nested routes
- Supports route parameters
- Customizable route transitions
- Guards for protected routes
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml
- Define your routes using the @Routable annotation:
import 'package:routable_annotations/routable_annotations.dart';
@Routable(path: '/home')
class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
// ...
@Routable(path: '/login')
class LoginPage extends StatelessWidget {
// ...
- Run the build_runner to generate the route configurations:
flutter pub run build_runner build
- Use the generated routes in your main.dart file:
import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart';
import 'generated_routes.dart';
void main() {
final router = GoRouter(
routes: $buildRoutes(),
runApp(MyApp(router: router));
- For navigation, the generated routes can be used as follows:
Routes enum is generated with additional methods for navigation:
Routes.home.push(context, extra);
Routes.home.replace(context, extra);
//Routes.product `/product/:id` // Route with parameter
Routes.product.params({"id": "item_id"}).push(context); // this will navigate to `/product/item_id`
- Routes can be nested and protected by using the
annotation on a class field:
@Routable(path: '/home', isProtected: true) // Protected route will redirect to /login (by default) if not authenticated
class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
// ...
@Routable(path: '/profile' on: HomePage) // Nested route under HomePage will be /home/profile
class ProfilePage extends StatelessWidget {
// ...
- Add protected routes by providing a guard function:
import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart';
import 'generated_routes.dart';
Future<bool> authenticationGuard() async {
// Check if user is authenticated
return true;
void main() {
final router = GoRouter(
routes: $buildRoutes(authenticationGuard()),
runApp(MyApp(router: router));
Currently, the package only supports a single guard function for all protected routes.
Additional options can be provided to the @Routable
//Custom transition
@Routable(path: '/home', transition: NoTransitionPage)
class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
// ...
//Read url params from nested route
@Routable(path: '/product/:id')
class ProductPage extends StatelessWidget {
// ...
//Adding useParams to nested route will read url params from parent route so they can be used in nested route
@Routable(path: '/edit', on: ProductPage, useParams: true)
class EditProductPage extends StatelessWidget {
final String? id;
// ...
//Extra data
@Routable(path: '/product/:id', extra: Product)
class ProductPage extends StatelessWidget {
final Product? params;
// ...
//Extra data can be passed to the route using extra parameter
Routes.product.push(context, Product(id: 'item_id'));
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.
For any questions or suggestions, please contact us at [email protected].