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Releases: WebDevStudios/Custom-Metaboxes-and-Fields-for-WordPress


03 May 20:47
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  • Add support for custom date/time formats. Props @Scrent. (#506)
  • Simplify wysiwyg escaping and allow it to be overridden via the escape_cb parameter. (#491)
  • Add a 'Select/Deselect all' button for the multicheck field type.
  • Add title option for repeatable groups. Title field takes an optional replacement hash, "{#}" that will be replaced by the row number.
  • New field parameter, show_on_cb, allows you to conditionally display a field via a callback. (#47)
  • Unit testing (the beginning). Props @brichards and @camdensegal.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where remove file button wouldn't clear the url field. (#514)
  • wysiwyg fields now allow underscores. Fixes some wysiwyg display issues in WordPress 3.8. Props @lswilson. (#491)
  • Nonce field should only be added once per page. (#521)
  • Fix in_array issue when a post does not have any saved terms for a taxonomy multicheck. (#527)
  • Fixed error: 'Uninitialized string offset: 0 in cmb_Meta_Box_field.php...`. Props @DevinWalker. (#539, #549))
  • Fix missing file field description. (#543, #547)


07 Apr 13:18
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Bug Fixes

  • Update cmb_get_field_value function as it was passing the parameters to cmb_get_field in the wrong order.
  • Fix repeating fields not working correctly if meta key or prefix contained an integer.


06 Apr 01:07
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue with cmb_Meta_Box_types.php calling a missing method, image_id_from_url.


03 Apr 16:00
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Bug Fixes

  • Radio button values were not showing saved value.


02 Apr 17:01
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  • Repeatable groups
  • Support for more fields to be repeatable, including oEmbed field, and date, time, and color picker fields, etc.
  • Codebase has been revamped to be more modular and object-oriented.
  • New filter, "cmb_{$element}_attributes" for modifying an element's attributes.
  • Every field now supports an attributes parameter that takes an array of attributes. Read more.
  • Removed cmb_std_filter in favor of cmb_default_filter. THIS IS A BREAKING CHANGE
  • Better handling of labels in sidebar. They are now placed on top of the input rather than adjacent.
  • Added i18n compatibility to text_money. props @ArchCarrier
  • New helper functions: cmb_get_field and cmb_get_field_value for getting access to CMB's field object and/or value.
  • New JavaScript events, cmb_add_row and cmb_remove_row for hooking in and manipulating the new row's data.
  • New filter, cmb_localized_data, for modifiying localized data passed to the CMB JS.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved occasional issue where only the first character of the label/value was diplayed. props @mustardBees


03 Mar 15:06
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  • Change the way the 'cmb_validate_{$field['type']}' filter works.
    It is now passed a null value vs saved value. If null is returned, default sanitization will follow. THIS IS A BREAKING CHANGE. If you're already using this filter, take note.
  • All field types that take an option array have been simplified to take key => value pairs (vs array( 'name' => 'value', 'value' => 'key', )). This effects the 'select', 'radio', 'radio_inline' field types. The 'multicheck' field type was already using the key => value format. Backwards compatibility has been maintained for those using the older style.
  • Added default value option for taxonomy_select field type. props @darlantc
  • Added option to specify image preview size for file_list field type. props @IgorCode
  • Updated file_list images to be displayed horizontally instead of vertically. props @IgorCode
  • Use get_the_terms where possible since the data is cached.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed wysiwyg escaping slashes. props @gregrickaby
  • Replaced __DIR__, as dirname( __FILE__ ) is easier to maintain back-compatibility.
  • Fixed missing table styling on new posts. @mustardBees
  • Fix undeclared JS variable. @veelen
  • Fix file_list errors when removing all files and saving.
  • Set correct object_id to be used later in cmb_show_on filter. @lauravaq
  • Fix sanitization recursion memeory issues.


24 Jan 17:14
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed wysiwyg editor button padding. props @corvannoorloos
  • A few php < 5.3 errors were addressed.
  • Fields with quotation marks no longer break the input/textarea fields.
  • metaboxes for Attachment pages now save correctly. Thanks @nciske for reporting.
  • Occasionally fields wouldn't save because of the admin show_on filter.
  • Smaller images loaded to the file field type will no longer be blown up larger than their dimensions.


  • Now works with option pages and site settings. (view example in wiki)
  • two filters to override the setting and getting of options, cmb_override_option_get_$option_key and cmb_override_option_save_$option_key respectively. Handy for using plugins like WP Large Options (also here).
  • Improved styling on taxonomy (tease) and options pages and for new 3.8 admin UI.
  • New sanitization class to sanitize data when saved.
  • New callback field parameter, sanitization_cb, for performing your own sanitization.
  • new cmb_Meta_Box_types::esc() method that handles escaping data for display.
  • New callback field parameter, escape_cb, for performing your own data escaping, as well as a new filter, 'cmb_types_esc_'. $field['type'].

1 point 0!

03 Dec 17:14
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Now in version 1.0.0:

Bring your metaboxes to the frontend!
Create metaboxes to handle user meta and display them on user profile add/edit pages! Or even on the front-end!

  • Added text_datetime_timestamp_timezone type, a datetime combo field with an additional timezone drop down, props @dessibelle
  • Added select_timezone type, a standalone time zone select dropdown. The time zone select can be used with standalone text_datetime_timestamp if desired. Props @dessibelle
  • Added text_url type, a basic url field. Props @dessibelle
  • Added text_email type, a basic email field. Props @dessibelle
  • Added ability to display metabox fields in frontend. Default is true, but can be overriden using the cmb_allow_frontend filter. If set to true, an entire metabox form can be output with the cmb_metabox_form( $meta_box, $object_id, $echo ) function. Props @dessibelle, @messenlehner & @jtsternberg.
  • Added hook cmb_after_table after all metabox output. Props @wpsmith
  • file_list now works like a repeatable field. Add as many files as you want. Props @coreymcollins
  • text, text_small, text_medium, text_url, text_email, & text_money fields now all have the option to be repeatable. Props @jtsternberg
  • Custom metaboxes can now be added for user meta. Add them on the user add/edit screen, or in a custom user profile edit page on the front-end. Props @tw2113, @jtsternberg