Widen's shared ESLint config and plugins.
yarn add -D eslint eslint-{config,plugin}-widen eslint-plugin-sort @babel/{core,eslint-parser}
# If you use TypeScript
yarn add -D typescript-eslint
# If you use React
yarn add -D eslint-plugin-{react,react-hooks,jsx-a11y}
# If you use Playwright
yarn add -D eslint-plugin-playwright
# If you use Jest
yarn add -D eslint-plugin-jest
In your eslint.config.mjs
file, add the following four entries to your extends
list. If you don't need a specific configuration, simply remove it from the
import { base, react, jest, playwright, typescript } from 'eslint-config-widen'
export default [
// you can specify what to ignore by using the `ignores` key before any other rule
// this will filter out things we dont want this to run on
{ ignores: ['*.test.*'] },
// you can also override rules by specifying the rule and the new value
{ files: ['*.spec.js'], rules: { 'jest/expect-expect': 'off' } },
...[{ files: ['e2e/**'] }, ...playwright],
Individual packages can be pulled down if only a small subset is needed. Each package has its own readme that can be referenced for specific dependencies.
## (base, emotion, jest, playwright, react, typescript)
yarn add eslint-config-widen-*