This project is the software package of Natter running on OpenWrt
LuCI can be found here luci-app-natter
Recommended to use it with luci-app-commands
- Automatically configure the Firewall
- NAT Loopback support
- Transparent Port forward (Dynport)
- Refresh the listen port of the BT Client
- Port update notify script
Domain 302 Redirect update script - A Record update script
- SRV Record update script
- HTTPS Record update script
- SVCB Record update script
You can find the prebuilt-ipks here
# Take the x86_64 platform as an example
tar xjf openwrt-sdk-21.02.3-x86-64_gcc-8.4.0_musl.Linux-x86_64.tar.xz
# Go to the SDK root dir
cd OpenWrt-sdk-*-x86_64_*
# First run to generate a .config file
make menuconfig
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a
# Get Makefile
git clone --depth 1 --branch master --single-branch --no-checkout package/natter
pushd package/natter
umask 022
git checkout
# Select the package Network -> natter
make menuconfig
# Start compiling
make package/natter/compile V=99
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0