A control flow generator for Python that is able to generate control flow graphs and corresponding flows. The motivation behind this project is to generate flows suitable for data flow analysis for Python.
- Python 3.7
- [] Python 3.8(Untested)
- [] Python 3.9(Untested)
- [] Python 3.10(Untested)
- ast.Module
- ast.FunctionDef
- [] ast.AsyncFunctionDef(Poor support for now)
- ast.ClassDef
- ast.Return
- ast.Delete
- ast.Assign
- ast.AugAssign
- ast.AnnAssign
- ast.For
- [] ast.AsyncFor(Poor support for now)
- ast.While
- ast.If
- ast.With(Poor support for now)
- [] ast.AsyncWith(Poor support for now)
- ast.Raise(Poor support for now)
- ast.Try(Relatively poor support for now)
- ast.Assert
- ast.Import
- ast.ImportFrom
- ast.Global
- ast.Nonlocal
- ast.Expr
- ast.Pass
- ast.Break
- ast.Continue
- ast.BoolOp
- ast.BinOp
- ast.UnaryOp
- ast.Lambda
- ast.IfExp
- ast.Dict
- ast.Set
- ast.ListComp
- ast.SetComp
- ast.DictComp
- ast.GeneratorExp
- [] ast.Await
- ast.Yield
- ast.YieldFrom
- ast.Compare
- ast.Call
- ast.Num
- ast.Str
- ast.FormattedValue
- ast.JoinedStr
- ast.Bytes
- ast.NameConstant
- ast.Ellipsis
- ast.Constant
- ast.Attribute
- ast.Subscript
- ast.Starred
- ast.Name
- ast.List
- ast.Tuple