A lite non-standard xml parser in Chez Scheme.
- Parse XML into scheme tree structure
- Element will be convert into
((name . attr-alist) . child-list)
- Toggle between space-preserving and space-ignoring modes.
- Can only ignore the delaration and xml head for now.
- DTD are currently not supported.
- Comment inside label cannot be parse correctly
(Chez Scheme (v9.5.8) is required)
xml-toml is a single-file library,
is the source code,
is its compiled file.
Each of them is enough to use chez-xml.
By following steps, you can easily run the test case.
git clone https://github.com/Yunoinsky/xml-toml # clone this repository
cd chez-xml
scheme --script ./test/test.ss
By copying xml.sls
or xml.so
to the corresponding project, we can
use chez-xml in other projects.
You can also choose to install it globally.
Here is one way to do this.
- Create lib directory: ~~/Library/chezscheme/~.
- Copy
to this directory. - append ~~/Library/chezscheme/~ to the environment variable
. - Then, we can use
(import (xml))
to import this library directly.
Take an excerpt from the API of Raysan’s outstanding project - raylib as an example.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>
<!-- ./test/test_raylibapi.xml -->
<!-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raysan5/raylib/master/parser/output/raylib_api.xml -->
<Defines count="4">
<Define name="PI" type="FLOAT" value="3.14159265358979323846" desc="" />
<Define name="DEG2RAD" type="FLOAT_MATH" value="(PI/180.0f)" desc="" />
<Define name="RED" type="COLOR" value="CLITERAL(Color){ 200, 200, 200, 255 }" desc="Light Gray" />
<Define name="BLUE" type="COLOR" value="CLITERAL(Color){ 0, 121, 241, 255 }" desc="Blue" />
<Structs count="4">
<Struct name="Vector2" fieldCount="2" desc="Vector2, 2 components">
<Field type="float" name="x" desc="Vector x component" />
<Field type="float" name="y" desc="Vector y component" />
<Struct name="Vector3" fieldCount="3" desc="Vector3, 3 components">
<Field type="float" name="x" desc="Vector x component" />
<Field type="float" name="y" desc="Vector y component" />
<Field type="float" name="z" desc="Vector z component" />
<Struct name="Color" fieldCount="4" desc="Color, 4 components, R8G8B8A8 (32bit)">
<Field type="unsigned char" name="r" desc="Color red value" />
<Field type="unsigned char" name="g" desc="Color green value" />
<Field type="unsigned char" name="b" desc="Color blue value" />
<Field type="unsigned char" name="a" desc="Color alpha value" />
<Struct name="Rectangle" fieldCount="4" desc="Rectangle, 4 components">
<Field type="float" name="x" desc="Rectangle top-left corner position x" />
<Field type="float" name="y" desc="Rectangle top-left corner position y" />
<Field type="float" name="width" desc="Rectangle width" />
<Field type="float" name="height" desc="Rectangle height" />
<Functions count="2">
<Function name="InitWindow" retType="void" paramCount="3" desc="Initialize window and OpenGL context">
<Param type="int" name="width" desc="" />
<Param type="int" name="height" desc="" />
<Param type="const char *" name="title" desc="" />
<Function name="IsWindowReady" retType="bool" paramCount="0" desc="Check if window has been initialized successfully">
(load "./src/xml.so") ;; this line can be commented
;; out if installed globally
(import (xml))
- (xml-load text-port preserve-blank)
Load xml-data from a text-port, return a scheme tree.
If preserve-blank is
, all of the blank chars will be preserved and parsed as strings, or they will be ignored.
(define fp (open-input-file "./test/test_raylibapi.xml"))
(define data (xml-load fp #f))
(pretty-print data)
- (xml-get-name node)
- Get the name of xml node.
- (xml-get-attrs node)
- Get the attrs alist of xml node.
- (xml-get-children node)
- Get the children’s list of xml node.
(define funcs-data (caddr (xml-get-children data)))
(pretty-print (xml-get-name funcs-data))
(pretty-print (xml-get-attrs funcs-data))
(define func1-data (car (xml-get-children funcs-data)))
(pretty-print (xml-get-name func1-data))
(pretty-print (xml-get-attrs func1-data))
(pretty-print (xml-get-children func1-data))