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All Media for Django>=1.6.1 Images, Videos, Attachments. All of them can be related to any django model instance (thought generic foreign key). Image and Video tagging support. Image thumbnail processing.


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Django AllMedia

All Media for Django>=1.6.1

Images, Videos, Attachments. All of them can be related to any django model instance (through generic foreign key). Image and Video tagging support. Image thumbnail processing.



Add form field ModelMultiTagSelectChoiceField to select the field tags into MediaForm.


Fix upload_to methods in Media model...


Fix upload_to methods in Media model...


Redefine upload_to methods in (Media and AjaxFileUploaded) models...


Fix filename processing.


Messages compiled.


Added the param impl_model_save=True to the decorator.


Fix media decorator.


Added functionality to include automatically an attribute to the youtube form container. This attribute will be used to check if the form contain some file input video with value.


Implemented allauth authentication for Youtube API V3


Added setting to specify an specific oauth2 authentication port.


Added loggers for the youtube service oauth authentication.


Fixed youtube data actualization.


Changed support for youtube upload progress management to cache or DB. Added decorators to manage the ajax file upload to generic and inline django formsets.


Added a model to manage the youtube upload progress using the request session key. Added support for ajax upload file for django formset.


Deleted connect_signals method call from the media init file.


Added support for several videos processed simultaneously.


Testing and fixing problems using youtube django storage backend, this time through django administration.


Refactoring all media models. Added implementation of youtube as video storage backend. Added convert_filename method in utils, to remove non ascii characters and to transform white spaces to underscores.


Fixes for compatibility with Django 1.8.


Fix in 'upload-to' configuration usage for docs.


Allowed 'upload-to' configuration for media and docs.


Calling form method save_m2m to fix bug. Implemented form class AttachmentAjaxUploadForm


Allow decorated model forms to have additional kwargs (besides 'commit') if overwritten.


Support for file validations by js and django


Support for on demand thumbnail generation (if indicated by settings)


Support for ajax file uploads






  1. Run python install to install.

  2. Modify your Django settings to use media:

  3. Make sure you have compiled and installed PIL with support for jpeg.

  4. Setup your thumbs generation process (optional)


    In django settings:


    'usage_1': [('51x51', 'scale'), ('392x392', 'scale'), ('60x60', 'crop'), ('74x74', 'crop'), ('64x64', 'crop')], 'usage_2': [('392x392', 'scale'), ('150x150', 'scale'), ('500x500', 'scale'), ('267x200', 'scale')],


    In code: When u need to execute the thumbs generation, just call the create_thumbnails function (passing in the image_path and usage params). This may be done either in synchronous or asynchronous way (as a celery task).

  5. Optionally upload django FileField by ajax, once the file is included, in order to avoid submit several files at the same

    time and avoid a possible connection timeout.

    If you want to use (Ajax Upload and File Validations), you also need to use bootstrap fileinput js component and jQuery.

    -- Include the ajax_file_upload decorator for each django model form that contains files that you need to upload by ajax. You can specify the following args:

    • form_file_field_name : The file field name inside the form.

    • model_file_field_name : The file field name inside the model related with the form, if this arg is not defined then is assumed to be the same as the form_file_field_name.

    • content_type : The content type related with file field. This content type is used to validate size and type.

      Example: image, video, docs, and the sum of all content types as all

      You can see the content types definitions and overwrite them using the setting MEDIA_STATICFILES_FORMATS

    -- To complement this behavior you should include ajax_upload.js and define the following structure in the template.

    • simple-ajax-upload : Add this class to the fileinput main div.

    • data-url : Add this data attribute to the file input, to specify the url to make the ajax upload request.

    • data-validation : Add this data attribute to the file input, to specify the name of the validation method that will be evaluated (optional).

    • data-closestcontainer : Add this data attribute to the file input, to specify the selector for the parent container.

    • data-progresscontainer : Add this data attribute to the file input, to specify the selector for the progress bar container.

      If data-closestcontainer is not defined but data-progresscontainer is defined, then the data-progresscontainer

      will be used as data-closestcontainer too.

    • data-contentvalidation : Add this data attribute to the file input, to specify the content type format and validate size and type. If this value is not specified, all will be assumed.

    • temp_file_id : Add a temporal file input for ajax purposes.


      <div class="file-container">
      <div class="fileinput simple-ajax-upload fileinput-{% if and form.instance.file.url %}exists{% else %}new{% endif %}" data-provides="fileinput">

      {% if and form.instance.file.url %}<input type="hidden" value="" name="">{% endif %} <div>

      <div><span class="fileinput-preview">{% if and form.instance.file.url %}{{ form.instance.file.url }}{% endif %}</span></div> <span class="input-group-btn">

      <span class="btn-file">

      <span class="fileinput-new">Select File</span> <span class="fileinput-exists">Change File</span> {% url "ajax_upload_file" as ajax_upload_file_url %} {% render_field form.file data-url=ajax_upload_file_url data-progresscontainer=".file-container" %} {% render_field form.temp_file_id %}

      </span> </br> <a href="#" class="fileinput-exists" data-dismiss="fileinput">Clean or Change</a>





  6. Use youtube as video storage backend (optional)

    -- To use this functionality you must follow the next steps:

    authentication and how acquire the client IDs.


    • YOUTUBE_DEFAULT_PRIVACY_STATUS : This setting define the default behavior of the youtube privacy status (optional). Possible values:

      ("public", "private", "unlisted") or (0, 1, 2) respectively

    • YOUTUBE_DEFAULT_CATEGORY : The default youtube category for the uploaded videos (optional). By default is 22, you can read more about youtube video categories(

    • YOUTUBE_BASE_URL : Define the youtube url that will be embedded in the page (optional). By default is, but you can override it and add params un the youtube url.


      Note that the param '%s' will be replaced by the youtube video key.

    • YOUTUBE_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE : Specify the chunk size for uploading the video (optional). It's important to specify a value if you wish to show the youtube upload progress to the user. If the specified value is not divisible by 256, an error will be raised.

    —Usage: + Replace the django FileField for the subclass YoutubeFileField to define the video file field in the model. For the YoutubeFileField you can optionally specify the title, privacy, comment and tags for the youtube video. Example:

    class YoutubeVideo(Media):

    file = YoutubeFileField(

    _('youtube_file'), upload_to=Media.upload_to, # Set the FileField mandatory upload_to argument to any value, it won't be used anyway. max_length=255, privacy=False, comment=Media.description, tags=Media.tag_list


    • If you wish show the upload progress to the user, you need to include the use_youtube_api decorator to the view methods where you will call the YoutubeVideo save method, and to include the show_upload_process.js in the template.
    You should use the use_youtube_api decorator in all view methods where you will use the youtube API methods, in order to set some data to the Youtube


    The use_youtube_api decorator have the following arg:

    • model_attributes : Specify the youtube fields inside the view class attributes, these files will be used to modify their Youtube storage instance.
    To ensure that the upload progress is shown successfully, you must to add the class youtube-files to the corresponding HTML form, also you need to specify

    the following form data:

    • data-youtube-process-url : Define the url that will be requested to retrieve the progress information.
    • data-youtube-process-parent : Specify the HTML container where will be append the youtube processing information.
    • data-have-youtube-video : This attribute will be added automatically with value false, you have to set to true via javascript when you make

    the submit, and the form contain some file input video with value. While this attribute value is false, the functionality to show the upload process does not will be executed.

    • When you upload a video to youtube, youtube begins processing the file, this process could take several minutes. During this

    period, if you access the video for displaying, it won't be reproduced. In order to inform to the user about the status of this process, you can use the display_video.html to show the youtube player and to show the processing status. You need to include display_video.js in the template.

    You can optionally overwrite the display_video.html template:

    In the youtube embedded iframe, you need to add a class named embed-youtube-video and to define some data attributes to guarantee a success progress display:

    • data-while-processing : Set to "hide" or "show" whether you want to hide the youtube player while the video is still in process or not. Example: (data-while-processing="hide" or data-while-processing="show")
    • data-url : Define the url that will be requested to retrieve the progress information.
    • data-progress-container : Represents the HTML container of the progress HTML information.
    • data-processed : Set to 1 if the video was processed or 0 otherwise.
    • data-while-processing-info : Specify the html component where will be shown the processing info y the video is still processed.
    • If you want to include some default information data to the youtube videos, for example, some default tags or add your url site in the video description. You can modify the model YoutubePostSettings information in the django admin.


All Media for Django>=1.6.1 Images, Videos, Attachments. All of them can be related to any django model instance (thought generic foreign key). Image and Video tagging support. Image thumbnail processing.







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