- 👋 Hi, I’m @aaronburt
- 👀 I’m interested in Javascript and Java
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about Springboot
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
I've been writing Java plugins for Babblebot. Creating useful ones that are currently in progress. I have already made several plugins, and there are more in development buts its matter of waiting for Ben to finish the main codebase before i can fully flesh them out.
I needed a service that could perform server-side functions like authentication and external API requests with restricted user access. ApiAB fulfills this requirement by running a serverless environment with V8 Chrome code. To minimize cold starts, it uses a lean container (Stripped back Alpine Linux) and an aggressive caching layer to reduce origin contacts.
V4 offers significant performance improvements, reducing cold starts and refreshing data much faster.
This endpoint retrieves the latest Wallpaper of the day from Bing and allows embedding for private non-commercial use only.
This endpoint displays the image from the wallpaper API, which can be embedded in any source. Please avoid misuse and commercial usage.
This function provides comprehensive weather-related data in a single JSON payload. All responses are cached for an 1 hour.
This function generates a random string that can be used for various purposes requiring some level of randomness. However, it's not recommended for cryptographic security as it solely relies on Math.random().
?length= will determine how long the string return is upto a maximum value of 9999
&type= will determine what characters are used in the string. You can use any or all of the following.
a = a-z
A = A-Z
0 = 0-9
$ = symbols that shouldn't cause string escape issues
This function lists all currently active BunnyCDN edge server IP addresses and is displayed as a JavaScript array.
This function returns all the JSON data from Bunny Billing. The result is aggressively cached, and you need to provide a ?key= query from here