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Godot Simple Test

A very simple unit testing framework.

It doesn't have any of the bells and whistles. Just the ability to run scenes as tests.

Sample Test Screenshot

Sample Setup Screenshot

why make this?

I didn't want a very editor heavy plugin. I wanted something lightweight, simple and easy to just vomit. If you need a fully fleshed out Unit Testing Framework, try GUT or GdUnit4

I also wanted to unit tests that are not run on the editor. That way I can set up the test scene the same way I would do on an actual scene.


Conflicting classes when upgrading?

  • I've renamed the root plugin from godot_simple_test to godot_simple_unit_test
  • So just delete the addons/godot_simple_test version


  1. Import addon from asset store or download as zip then unpack at addons/godot_simple_unit_test
  2. Activate plugin via Project > Project Settings > Plugins > SimpleUnitTest - [] Enable
  3. Create a new scene that has SimpleTest_Runner node as root
  4. Create a new script that extends SimpleTest
  5. Attach this new script as a child node of the root (see screenshot above)
    • You can rename this node to be whatever you want
  6. Write the test (see Writing a test below)
  7. Run Scene

Or watch this

Writing A Test

  • Tests must extends SimpleTest for it to be recognized
  • Every function that starts with either it , should , or test will become a test case.

Sample Test

extends SimpleTest

func it_has_equality_tests():

  expect(1).equal(1, "Custom message at the end of every expect")

Expect Functions

We mostly do things the fluent way. The following keywords can be chained after an expect statement.

Chainable Keyword What
a Sugar only. Does nothing.
an Sugar only. Does nothing.
to Sugar only. Does nothing.
have Sugar only. Does nothing.
been Sugar only. Does nothing.
be Sugar only. Does nothing.
IS Sugar only. Does nothing.
are Sugar only. Does nothing.
will Sugar only. Does nothing.
NOT Inverts the results. Must be capitilized.
strictly Equality checks are replaced with is_same()

Note: All the functions below accept an optional message.

Function Keyword What
equal(Variant) Loosely compares the 2 values using ==
gt(number) Performs "greater than"
gte(number) Performs "greater than or equals"
lt(number) Performs "lesser than"
lte(number) Performs "lesser than or equals"
truthy() Checks for truthiness using a ternary operator
falsey() Checks for falsiness using a ternary operator
value_in(Array or Dictionary or String) Checks values for item
key_in(Array or Dictionary) Checks keys/indexes for item
size(number) Checks the size of an array, dictionary or string
size_gt(number) Same as size but performs "greater than"
size_gte(number) Same as size but performs "greater than or equals"
size_lt(number) Same as size but performs "lesser than"
size_lte(number) Same as size but performs "lesser than or equals"
called() Checks if a stub has been called atleast once
called_n_times(int) Checks if a stub has been called exactly n times

Asynchronous Tests

Function Keyword What
wait(time in secs) Waits for time in secs. Internally uses create_timer
wait_until(callable) Waits until the callable returns true


class Test_Class:
  extends Node
  var counter = 0
  func _process(delta):
    counter += 1

func it_is_async():
  var n =
  await wait(0.25)
  await wait_until( func (): return n.counter >= 250)



You can override these functions

Func What
_before(): Called once before any of the tests in the suite are begun
_before_each(): Called before each test
_after_each(): Called after each test
_after(): Called after all of the tests in the suite are done

Test Utility Methods


Pass down any value to perform assertions against.


Rename the test to aynthing. By default the test name is the func name but cleaned


Creates a stub handler. You can call stub().callable to get the actual stub to pass around.

You can test stubs like this

func test_stub():
  var handler = stub()
  var cb = handler.callable

  cb() # Call function


Additonal Test Controls

Inspired by the way GdUnit skips test, I've opted to follow a similar pattern for test controls.


Adding _skip to the parameter will skip that specific test case for that test suite.

func it_will_be_skipped(_skip):


Adding _skip_suite to any test case will cause the whole suite to be skipped. It will ignore all other test controls in the test case.

func it_will_skip_everything here(_skip_suite):

func it_will_skip_this_too():


Adding _solo to the parameter will skip all other non-solo tests in that suite.

func it_will_skip_others(_solo):


Adding _solo_suite to any test case will cause the whole suite to be run solo (ignoring all other non-solo suites).

func test_a(_solo, _solo_suite):

func test_b(_solo): 

func test_c(): #will not run because no _solo_


If for some reason, you do decide to use this and need more expect funcs, just open an issue.


Godot Simple Unit Test








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