Releases: adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_RFM
1.0.5 - Spreading Factor Fix & Examples
What's Changed
- Fix configuration for Spreading Factor = 6 by @jerryneedell in #10
Full Changelog: 1.0.4...1.0.5
1.0.4 - RTD Sphinx Config
1.0.3 - Read Fifo Fix & Docstrings Update
What's Changed
- udpate rtd container version config by @FoamyGuy in #3
- fix read_fifo to always define packet before return, Correct typo in dosctring by @jerryneedell in #6
Full Changelog: 1.0.2...1.0.3
1.0.2 - Fix For Sphinx RTD Theme
Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2
1.0.1 - Added Msgpack Example
Initial release
Initial release -- breaking changes may occur
New features:
Uses asyncio internally - may also be used in user code.
Requires asyncio and adafruit_ticks
Radiohead Header may be disabled for compatibility with other libraries.
FSK/OOK support added to RFM9x
RFM9X can communicate with RFM69 in FSK/OOK (without encryption)
Addressing may be enabled for FSK/OOK on RFM69/RFM9x
There are several examples provided -- more to come.
Note: this cannot not be used on the Feather M0 RFM69/9X boards
requires RP2040 or RFM featherwing/breakout on a MCU with more resources than an M0
It does work on a Raspberry Pi with the RFM bonnet --
most of the testing has been on an RPi with a RFM bonnet (RFM95 and RFM69)
and on a feather esp32s2 with an RFM95 Featherwing
In the examples, you can uncomment 2 lines to select RFM69, RFM9x or RFM9XFSK operation