WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.95
WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.95
Installing WipperSnapper
Follow this learning system guide to learn how to install WipperSnapper on your board.
Upgrade a device running WipperSnapper
Locate the device you want to upgrade on io.adafruit.com/devices. Then, click "Update".
What's Changed
Just in case you missed it, we've added support for specifying more than one WiFi Network in your secrets file.
See this Adafruit-Playground note for details.
New Components 🆕🆕🆕
You can use your Adafruit SEN54 or SEN55 Adapter Breakout - STEMMA QT / Qwiic 🛒 and JST-GHR 6pin cable to connect to the brand new Sensirion SEN6x Family of Air Quality Sensors (Supports SEN60, SEN63C, SEN65, SEN66, SEN68).
Pickup an evaluation kit for the SEN66 from Digikey (or preorder the raw sensor units).
- add sen6x, derived from sen5x driver by @MartinEbnerSensirion in #675
New Contributors
- @MartinEbnerSensirion made their first contribution in #675
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta.94...1.0.0-beta.95