Wippersnapper 1.0.0-beta.98 - I2C speed changed from 50kHz to 100kHz
WipperSnapper 1.0.0-beta.98
Installing WipperSnapper
Follow this learning system guide to learn how to install WipperSnapper on your board.
Upgrade a device running WipperSnapper
Locate the device you want to upgrade on io.adafruit.com/devices. Then, click "Update".
New Component 🆕🆕🆕 ST Microelectronics LPS28DFW added
The new breakout for the extreme range pressure sensor from ST has been added, grab your LPS28 now!
What's Changed
Fixes for scanning I2C on the ESP32-S2 based boards, along with fixes for the SCD30/SCD4x and other sensors.
*** I2C speed changed from 50kHz to 100kHz on ESP boards - Please report any issues ***
- Update WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver_SCD4X.h - renamed include by @tyeth in #689
- Fix SDFat Conflict for Pico by @brentru in #706
Bugs 🐛
- fix: timeout datatype in haltError by @tyeth in #690
- Update I2C initialisation of locals by @tyeth in #694
- Scd30 scd4x others poll min 1sec by @tyeth in #709
- Fix Issues: Pixel and Status Pixel by @brentru in #708
- Revert SDFat Forked Dependency for Pico by @brentru in #711
- Fix: I2C Scan on ESP32-S2 by @brentru in #712
- ESP32 BSP to 3.1.3 (except funhouse/lvgl builds)
- RP2 BSP to 4.4.4
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta.97...1.0.0-beta.98