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GSoC 2016 Proposal: Better Missing Value Handling in scikit learn
#Proposal: Better Missing Value Handling in scikit learn
- Author: Maniteja Nandana
- Date Created: 2016-03-21
Feedback on Github or mailing list welcome!
#Proposed projects
I have looked at various stalled PRs regarding missing value handling that were widely discussed upon and perceived as a useful and viable addition to the library. I would sincerely appreciate if anyone could link to issues and PRs related to the above topics that are of prime utility to the users
##Matrix factorization with missing values Issues and PRs: #4237 #2387
###Goal The PR adds Matrix Factorization support. The problem is to factorize a matrix with missing values into product of 2 matrices of lower rank in order to restore missing values (perform imputation).using ALS Alternating Least squares and ALS1 algorithms
new transformers sklearn.decomposition.MatrixFactorization
and sklearn.preprocessing.FactorizationImputer
- FactorizationImputer is implemented similar to Imputer in case of row-statistics
- The algorithms used are :
are variants of stochastic gradient descent, the later one uses AdaGrad learning rate adjustment. -
are variants of Alternating Least Squares
###Discussion The following is the abstract of the paper :
- Alternating least squares (ALS) is a powerful matrix factorization (MF) algorithm for both explicit and implicit feedback based recommender systems.
- Increasing the number of latent factors (denoted by K) boosts the prediction accuracy of MF based recommender systems, including ALS as well
- The price of the better accuracy is paid by the increased running time: the running time of the original version of ALS is proportional to K^3.
- The paper presents novel and fast ALS variants both for the implicit and explicit feedback datasets, which offers better trade-off between running time and accuracy. Due to the significantly lower computational complexity of the algorithm - linear in terms of K - the model being generated under the same amount of time is more accurate, since the faster training enables to build model with more latent factors.
###Goal According to Tian Wang , this algorithm is to find all rows with full features as complete set, and impute the missing features in a row by taking the mean of those features among its K-nearest neighbors in complete set, based on Hastie
###Implementation It is currently using the sum of squared differences, and the goal is to implement the Hastie's approach. Now it can impute with setting 'strategy' to be KNN, but KNN would not be a 'strategy', but as a neighbor selection which other imputation methods (eg. mean, median,..) would use. There seems to be a need for rework of API here but does look like a good addition if there can be some consensus reached there.
Similar package for R: Impute Similar function for Matlab:Knnimpute
###Discussion There seems to be a need for rework of API here but does look like a good addition if there can be some consensus reached there. And the following are the issues brought up by Joel Nothman :
- The option of non-euclidean metrics is provided by other implementations. Weighted means should be possible, etc. selecting a feature subspace in which objects are compared, rather than calculating distance over all non-missing features per sample. For example, "For nearest neighbour imputation, a large number of "matching fields" can be specified" in here. But in short, there may be other strategies to handling missing data in columns other than the one being presently imputed: one might determine an imputation order and make KNN for one feature depend on all previously imputed features.
- We find the k nearest neighbors using a Euclidean metric, confined to the columns for which that gene is NOT missing. Each candidate neighbor might be missing some of the coordinates used to calculate the distance. In this case we average the distance from the non-missing coordinates.
- Further, one might consider strategy, in terms of mean/median/custom, as orthogonal to knn vs whole dataset. The MatLab package allows median to be used (which may not make a whole lot of sense with euclidean distance, but is easy to justify otherwise). I suspect that if we're not doing the above, we should not be adding strategy="knn" but allowing the user to choose n_neighbors (defaulting to None meaning all) as orthogonal to strategy.
Adding input from Joel Nothman here : I think the brief summary is something along the lines of: this ideally requires a little research into how others have done KNN imputation (particularly: how are missing values in other columns dealt with? which options of NN need to be configurable?), and whether therefore this deserves its own estimator, or should rather be integrated into the current Imputer.
References: FancyImpute ( Thanks to Alex for the permission to reuse ideas) MATLAB KNN ##OneHotEncoder for imputed features in Imputer Issues and PRs: #6556 #6607
###Goal Output dummy one-hot encoder features for imputer to specify if the feature value is imputed or not .
Added points by Giorgio Patrini The motivation is the following: imputation implicitly discards the information that certain examples (rows) had missing values originally. Therefore, before imputation, we add a column for each feature that has at least one missing a value. The additional column is 0 everywhere, except that is it 1 when the corresponding value is missing.
If axis=0 , shape of output is (n_samples x n_features_with_no_all_missing + n_features_with_partial_missing)
If axis=1, shape of output is (n_samples x n_features + n_features_with_missing)
##Added metrics support for multiclass-multioutput classification MOD Issues and PRs: #3681 At present, no metric supports the multioutput-multiclass classification task. This PR enables multiclass multioutput support for accuracy_score and zero_one loss. This can be completed and also the possibility of adding it to the other classification metrics can be tried. I have done some initial changes at here I have faced this need while working on MultiOutputClassifier at #6127
##Time line
Community Bonding Period (April 22, 2016 - May 22, 2016)
- Continue my current pull requests, help in the contribution process to scikit learn by playing my part in reviewing the pull requests
- Binary indicator for imputed features in Imputer
Week 1-3(May 23, 2016 - June 13, 2016)
- Work on the stalled Matrix Factorisation code in #4237 #2387
- Write tests for the presently implemented ALS and ALS1 algorithms
- Narrative documentation and examples for the Matrix factorisation
Week 4-6(June 14, 2016 - July 4, 2016)
- KNN strategy for imputation
- Decide on the API design regarding the new imputer methods
- The tests for KNN Imputer and possibly extend for different weights for neighbours and multiple metrics like mean, median for various types of distances
Week 7-9(July 5, 2016 - July 25, 2016)
- Compare the imputation methods and matrix factorisation methods for handling missing values. Something on the lines of this example
Week 10-12(July 26, 2016 - August 15, 2016)
- Work on multi class - multi output support for some metrics in classification and regression
Week 13(August 16, 2016 - August 23, 2016)
- Finish up tests and documentation for the work done and get it ready for final review and merging later.
##Commitments During the period till August, I have no other commitments during which I will spend extra time for completing the major parts of the project. The schedule of my job is set to begin from around mid August which coincides with the last few weeks but I will definitely still spend the fullest time on it
#6127[MRG+2]MultiOutputClassifier (Thanks to HugoBowne and others for letting me work on this and also to all the reviewers for their patience)
#6611 [MRG] DOC: Correct some errors in chebyshev distance
#6481 DOC: Clarify the scoring argument in Logistic Regression
#6232 MAINT: Print info message for fetch_20newsgroups
#6104 [MRG+1] Enable pandas input to log_loss
#6607 [WIP] Add add_missing_indicator option to show missing values in the output
#6445 [MRG] Add get_feature_names to PCA
#6217 [MRG] ENH: Add sample_weight to median_absolute_error
#6141 MAINT: Return self for fit in Spectral Biclustering and CoClustering
#6516 DOC: Link functions to equivalent classes #5984 DOC: Link to LDA in example
###Closed #6337 MAINT: Fix errors in tests for Unvariate Selection
#6216 ENH: Add feature_names_ property to PolynomialFeatures
#6199 [MRG+1] DOC: Add Raises Section #6199
#Student Information:
Name: Maniteja Nandana
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +91 9912304125
Time Zone: GMT/UTC +05:30 IST
Blog: http://www.inspiremaniteja.wordpress.com ; https://sites.google.com/site/inspiremaniteja/
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/modestymaniteja
University: Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences, India
Degree: Bachelors of Engineering
Major: Computer Science
Current Year: Senior (4th year)
Expected Graduation date: 2016
Degree: Bachelors of Engineering
I am Maniteja, a final year undergraduate studying Computer Science at BITS Pilani, India. I have started Machine Learning from college curriculum and from online courses.
In addition to my research experience, I have also interned at Bhabha Atomic Research Center, India; Amazon, India and currently am a project trainee at Center for Artificial Intelligence, India. I have implemented basic algorithms like decision tree, vector space retrieval model and candidate elimination, which can be found in my github repositories.
I started contributing to open source since last year and to scikit-learn from December, 2015. I have used the library for some of my college projects.
Scikit-learn has been awesome community to work with and have learnt a lot about machine learning that ever before from contributing to this community. I would be grateful if provided the opportunity to contribute my skills to the project and help in the development of the library. Having worked with the open source, I have familiarity with the contribution guidelines, coding styles and review process. I would strive to deliver to the best of my abilities and will take feedback from the experienced people to ensure the implementations done would be in the best interests of the users.
- Summer Internship at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre - 2014 Worked on network security model using Django, RESTful API and PostGRESQL
- Summer Internship at Amazon India - 2015 Worked on online interviewing system to automate the process of automating the test cases generated for different data structures for competitive programming questions
- Semester internship at Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Worked on Multi agent robotics using JADE and Semantic service oriented architecture in JENA
- Projects in college:
- Prediction of defect occurrence patterns in open source software using bug prediction models
- Classification of open source contributors based on the recurring patterns in their commit history
- Development of a pipelined multiprocessor based on the x8086 model in SystemC, a high level description language in Cpp.
- I have been contributing to Scipy since 2015 and recently been contributing to scikit learn.
- I have also completed many courses related to ML, AI and NLP on Coursera, Udacity and EdX, including Andrew Ng course on Machine learning, Columbia university course on NLP, Sebastian Thrun course on Introduction to AI robotics and Univer