Numerical period detection of complex quadratic polynomial
- Periodicity Checking ( Fractint)
- Orbit Detection ( MuEncy )
- Periodicity scan
- Cycle detection in wikipedia
- Orbit Detection by Robert P. Munafo, 2008 Mar 14.
- Cycle detection and the stack algorithm by G. Nivasch
" A naive calculation of the period would be done by calculating a sufficiently large number of iterations {z_0, z_1, ...} and then comparing z_n against z_{n-k}$ for k in {1, 2, ..., m} where m is the largest period you want to detect. If you can find that |z_n - z_{n-k}| < epsilon for sufficiently large n, this suggests a cycle of length k and you would confirm by looking at {|z_n - z_{n-k}|}_{n=n'}^{n'+k} and seeing that these are all sufficiently small. There are more sophisticated approaches, but this is the elementary way." heropup
- choose parameter c
- compute critical orbit ( forward orbit of critical point ) and find period of it's limit cycle:
- start with critical point: z = z0 = 0.0
- make n forward iterations of z0 to (possibly) fall into attracting cycle
- now z = zn
- make n forward iterations of zn to compute attracting cycle
- check backwards whether the last iterate z has already been visited before
Max iteration and precision ( epsilon ) might need to be adjusted
Numerical precision: double numbers
- "for example, c=1/4−10^{−10} takes over 800000 iterations to reach a fixed point in double precision floating point, but 20 iterations of Newton's method suffice to reach a fixed point. The two fixed points are slightly different, but both are fixed (each to themselves) in double precision." - Claude Heiland-Allen
- " You may need very small epsilon and very large n, otherwise for example c=−3/4+10{−10} will probably give an incorrect period of 2 instead of the correct period of 1, which error will compound to an incorrect interior distance estimate (for example distance 3.8e-8 with your method (epsilon 1e-12, n 79,573,343) instead of 2e-10 with my method). " Claude Heiland-Allen
- check the center ( = nucleus) of Mandelbrot set's hyperbolic component with known period. It uses list of centers
- use period doubling cascade along real axis.
List of centers = hyperbolic components centers of Mandelbrot sets = Nucleus of a Mu-Atoms
- REALONLY.TXT = real component centers of Mandelbrot Set for period less than 16 by Jay R. Hill. probably computed using : FINDPERC.EXE , here modified version is used
- feature-database.csv = a database of all islands up to period 16, found by tracing external rays by Claude Heiland-Allen: period, islandhood, angled internal address, lower external angle numerator, denominator, upper numerator, denominator, orientation, size, centre realpart, imagpart
- largest-islands.txt by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2020: Rank, Period, Coordinates, Size, itmax used for area measurement, area estimate, and R2-name
only 8 from values failed ( one value is listed twice):
not OK c = -1.9999999862123214+0.0000000000000000 period = 15 != -1
not OK c = 0.3394108199960000-0.0506682851620000 period = 12 != 11
not OK c = 0.3255895095510000-0.0380478809340000 period = 13 != 12
not OK c = 0.3145594899840000-0.0292739690790000 period = 14 != 13
not OK c = 0.3056765414950000-0.0229934263740000 period = 15 != 14
not OK c = -1.9999999862123214+0.0000000000000000 period = 15 != -1
not OK c = 0.2984480089040000-0.0183833673220000 period = 16 != 15
not OK c = -1.9999999965530804+0.0000000000000000 period = 16 != -1
not OK c = -1.9999999138269977+0.0000000000000000 period = 16 != -1
Check input values from
- c = -1.9999999862123214 is wrong. It should be c = -1.999999986212321 +0.000000000000000 i period = 15 ( computed with program Mandel by Wolf Jung)
- c = -1.9999999965530804 is wrong. It should be c = -1.999999996553080 +0.000000000000000 i period = 16 ( computed with program Mandel by Wolf Jung)
- c = -1.9999999138269977 is wrong. It should be c = -1.999999913826998 +0.000000000000000 i period = 16 ( computed with program Mandel by Wolf Jung)
- c = 0.339410819996 -0.050668285162643 i period = 11, so input period is wrong
- c = 0.325589509550660 -0.038047880934756 i period = 12, so input period is wrong
- c = 0.314559489984000 -0.029273969079000 i period = 13, so input period is wrong
- c = 0.305676541495292 -0.022993426374099 i period = 14, so input period is wrong
- c = 0.298448008903995 -0.018383367322073 i period = 15, so input period is wrong
Real slice of Mandelbrot set : [-2,0.25]
Check the period for values along real axis between root points:
- real c greater then 0.25. Critical points escapes so period = 0
- real c from 0.25 to -0.75 should give period = 1 = 2^0
- real c from -0.75 to -1.25 should give period = 2 = 2^1
- real c from -1.25 to -1.3680989 should give period = 4 = 2^2
- ...
- real c from c(n) to c(n+1) should give period = 2^n
Exponential mapping helps to make it endlessly
solve these equations using numerical methods for solving polynomials - and even something simple such as Newton's method is going to converge a lot faster than finding the cycles just by iterating a single point (as is how bifurcations diagrams are usually made) under fc itself. Milo Brandtmath.stackexchange question: equations-for-mandelbrot-bifurcation-diagram?
What I do to create an image like the one you link, for f_c(z) = z^2 + c:
- start iteration from
$z_0 := 0$ , with$m := \infty$ - for each n = 1, 2, 3, ... in order
- calculate z_n := f_c(z_{n-1})
- if |z_n| < m
- set m := |z_n|
- use Newton's method to solve w = f_c^n(w) with initial guess w^{(0)} := z_n (this may fail to converge, in which case continue with the next n), the steps are w^{(i+1)} := w^{(i)} - \frac{f_c^{\circ n}(w^{(i)}) - w^{(i)}}{{f_c^{\circ n}}'(w^{(i)}) - 1}
- calculate the derivative of the cycle \lambda := {f_c^{\circ n}}'(w)
- if |\lambda| < 1, then the cycle is attractive and c is within a hyperbolic component of period
$n$ , stop (success). \lambda$ may used as "interior coordinates" within the hyperbolic component.$w$ and$n$ can be used for interior distance estimation.
The point of using Newton's method is to accelerate the computation of
I have no complete proof of correctness (but this doesn't mean I think it is incorrect; the images seem plausible). It relies on the "atom domains" surrounding each hyperbolic component of a given period.
It also relies on the cycle reached by Newton's method being the same cycle as the limit cycle approached by iteration: this is true for the quadratic Mandelbrot set because there is only one finite critical point,
For an implementation in C99 you can see my blog post at
Lists : Period Center_x center_y
- realonly.txt input data : only real centers . This is modified version of REALONLY.TXT with updates
- feature-database.txt input data : centers . This is modified version of feature-database.csv
Period Center_x center_y Size itmax
- largest-islands.txt by [Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2020] (
- Describe-iterated-map - numerical periodicity detection of a polynomial and rational Julia set in C++
- mandelbrot-numerics-nucleus - wikibooks
- the code in C to compute the roots ( centers of comoponents of Mandelbrot sets ) via the homotopy continuation method by Dr. Piers Lawrence
- Program for finding centers of Mandelbrot set components by knighty
- the-mandelbrot-polynomial-roots-challenge
- Mandelbrot Set Chaos by J. C. Sprott
- Fractint algorithm
- C implementation using Gnofract 4d
- In Defense of Brent's Cycle Detection Algorithm by David Aramant
- algorithmist : Cycle detection
- projecteuler: Amicable chains (Problem 95)
- rosettacode : Cycle_detection
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