Project to post automatic content to an Instagram account and grow the followers.
This idea is based on this read, I recommend it ;)
docker network create bcnismagic_external
cp .env.example .env
# Replace DB_POSTING_PASSWORD value from .env file
docker-compose up --build -d
# Deploy Database
docker run --rm -ti --network bcnismagic_external -v $PWD/db_posting/src:/app -w /app sqitch/sqitch deploy db:pg://$POSTGRES_USER:$POSTGRES_PASSWORD@$POSTGRES_CONTAINER:5432/$POSTGRES_DB
# Install libraries php_posting service
docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD/php_posting/src:/app -w /app composer composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
# From /php_posting/src
# Create new environment files and replace value of vars
cp .env.example .env
# Install libraries php_following service
docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD/php_following/src:/app -w /app composer composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
# From /php_following/src
# Create new environment files and replace value of vars
cp .env.example .env
Each service has it own documentation in a file on root path.
Deploy on AWS.- Cron jobs.
Recollect images.Clean images.Post image.- Recollect accounts.
Rename service search_elasticsearch to search_following
Rename service db_postgres to db_posting.- Automatic deploy on AWS on github master branch change.
- AWS VPN server to connect to DB.
- Documentation AWS steps.