- hping3
- libdbus
- libdbus-glib
- libgtk2
- libvte
- libxfce4ui
- libxfce4util
- libxfconf
- wireless-tools
- wireshark
- xfce4-terminal
- Thunar
- libexo
- wireless-tools
- wireshark
- hping3
- beef-xss
- xerosploit
- Add new sources list file
mkdir -p $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d && printf "deb [trusted=yes] https://hax4us.github.io/termux-tools/ extras main" > $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d/hax4us.list
- Some packages depends on xeffyrs repository packages so in order to use packages from my repository you will have to add this repository also, so follow instructions from here https://termux.xeffyr.ml/extra.html
- After adding both repositories just Update
apt update
apt install pkg_name