Academic project for the course of Middleware Technologies at Polimi
Here is the request:
Goal: Implement a data processing pipeline in Kafka.
- Provide administrative tools / scripts to create and deploy a processing pipeline that processes messages from a given topic.
- A processing pipeline consists of multiple stages, each of them processing an input message at a time and producing one output message for the downstream stage.
- Different processing stages could run on different processes for scalability.
- Messages have a key, and the processing of messages with different keys is independent. 4. Stages are stateful and their state is partitioned by key. 4. Each stage consists of multiple processes that handle messages with different keys in parallel.
- Messages having the same key are processed in FIFO order with end-to-end exactly once delivery semantics.
- Processes can fail.
- Kafka topics with replication factor > 1 can be considered reliable.
- You are only allowed to use Kafka Producers and Consumers API
We implemented four types of processors. One of them embeds a stateful operation: a physical windowed aggregate function. The other processors are
- map
- flatmap
- filter
and they are stateless.
This project cannot be run on your local machine.
The executables for this project cannot be run without AWS EC2.
- make sure you have basic Kafka and AWS prerequisites
- compile the jar file
mvn clean compile assembly:single
with as mainclass - make sure you have AWS key.pem in the main folder of the project
- launch EC2 instance (recommended t2.2xlarge)
- register an AMI that satisfy AMI prerequisites
- run
scp -i kafka-pipeline.pem processorStartedJarFile [email protected]:
to upload the jar on EC2 instance - save the template from EC2 console with a name such as Kafkatemplate
- modify with the name of the template
Now you can tweak the main parameters in the configuration file following this syntax
Once you've defined the pipeline, compile the jar file mvn clean compile assembly:single
with as mainclass
- Kafka 2.3.1
- Java 8
pip install awscli
- linux 16.04.6 LTS
- Java JRE (version >=1.8)
- Kafka (version >= 2.12-2.31)
In you must specify
- pipeline.length = <positive_number>
- replication.factor = <positive_number>
Then, you must add a configuration for each stage of the pipeline. Each stage is identified by the following two parameters:
-<positive_number> = <positive_number>
-<positive_number> = "windowaggregate" | "flatmap" | "map" | "filter"
- <positive_number> ::= (<positive digit>)^(+)
- <positive digit> ::= "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
Resilience to failures of processors has been managed in order to guarantee end-to-end exactly-one-semantic. We used MapDB as a store for recent operations of each processor and the recovery of the failed processors.
We provided a sample source to roll out a demo.
First, follow getting started steps in order to set up deployment and local installation.
Once you've defined a pipeline schema run:
java -cp target/processor-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.middleware.project.ProcessorStarter ./
java -cp target/processor-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.middleware.project.ProcessorStarter ./
We forced crashes on random processors in the code, in order to demonstrate exactly-one-semantic.
The pipeline will throw the processed source in sink.txt
- Kafka 2.3.1
- MapDB (v3.5)
- AWS CLI v2