Gradual, dependent typing for Clojure(Script). Also comes with clojure.spec
interop (see gradual.spec
The successor of alexandergunnarson/defnt, which is too narrowly named.
- Orchestra's
was developed independently, but surprisingly yields some very similar ideas with respect togradual.spec/defn
(see below) and even a similar interface for specs on function arguments. - Spectrum was also developed independently, and shares
's idea of performing spec conformance checks at compile time (though it aims exclusively for "there-exists" checks via generative testing;gradual.type
also provides as many compile-time "for-all" proofs as it can before falling back to compile-time generative testing and/or runtime spec checks).
(Work in progress — check back later.)
Fundamentally, gradual.spec/defn
provides spec information in context rather than drastically increasing cognitive overhead and code duplication via s/fdef
-style decontextualization. (There are other features and benefits that will be approached as development progresses.)
is a great leap forward for Clojure. It is difficult to overstate the value that it delivers via the expressive and composable data specifications it supports, and the corresponding generative tests they in turn yield out of the box. But, as ever, there is room for improvement. It is a perfectly defensible design decision for the creators of clojure.spec
to have decoupled specs from the implementation they specify. However, the position gradual.spec/defn
takes is that there is much greater value in colocating the spec with the spec'ed. This approach yields the following benefits:
- It is much more terse than
- It is much easier to follow
- It is much easier to debug and maintain
- As such, it is much better about encouraging and facilitating the spec'ing of functions.
At the moment, it has only been tested with Clojure 1.8 and 1.9, but it should be trivial to test with ClojureScript in a coming release, as there is no platform-specific code.
To take a reasonably simple example:
'[[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[gradual.spec :as gs]])
(gs/defn abc
[a pos-int?, b (s/and double? #(> % 3))
| (> b a)
> (s/and map? #(= (:a %) a))]
(sorted-map :a a :b (+ b 8)))
Deconstructed, the above code defines a function abc
with only one overload, such that:
- The overload takes two parameters,
must satisfypos-int?
must satisfy(s/and double? #(> % 3))
(> b a)
must hold true|
defines an overload's precondition similarly to:pre
(but implementationally the precondition becomes part offdef
and does not use:pre
in any way)- Preconditions are optional
- The return value from the overload must satisfy
(s/and map? #(= (:a %) a))
defines an overload's postcondition similarly to:post
(but like|
, implementationally the precondition becomes part offdef
and does not use:post
in any way)- Postconditions are optional
The above gs/defn
code generates the following:
(s/fdef abc
:args (s/or :arity-2
:a pos-int?
:b (s/and double? (fn* [p1__3954#] (> p1__3954# 3))))
(fn [{a :a, b :b}] (> b a))))
:fn (gradual.spec.util/with-gen-spec
(fn [{ret# :ret}] ret#)
(fn [{[arity-kind# args#] :args}]
(case arity-kind#
(let [{a :a, b :b} args#]
(s/spec (s/and map? #(= (:a %) a))))))))
(defn abc [a b] (sorted-map :a a :b (+ b 8)))
where gs.util/with-gen-spec
is a low-complexity, few-LOC macro that assists in spec auditability and data flow.
Note that spec'ing destructurings is also possible. Take the more complex example below:
(gs/defn abcde "Documentation" {:whatever-metadata "fhjik"}
([a number? > number?] (inc a))
([a pos-int?, b pos-int?
| (> a b)
> (s/and number? #(> % a) #(> % b))] (+ a b))
([a #{"a" "b" "c"}
b boolean?
{:as c
:keys [ca keyword? cb string?]
{:as cc
{:as cca
:keys [ccaa keyword?]
[[ccabaa some? {:as ccabab :keys [ccababa some?]} some?] some? ccabb some? & ccabc some? :as ccab]
[:ccab seq?]}
[:cca map?]}
[:cc map?]}
#(-> % count (= 3))
[da double? & db seq? :as d] sequential?
[ea symbol?] ^:gen? (s/coll-of symbol? :kind vector?)
& [fa #{"a" "b" "c"} :as f] seq?
| (and (> da 50) (contains? c a)
a b c ca cb cc cca ccaa ccab ccabaa ccabab ccababa ccabb ccabc d da db ea f fa)
> number?] 0))
which expands to:
(s/fdef abcde
:arity-1 (s/cat :a number?)
:arity-2 (s/and (s/cat :a pos-int?
:b pos-int?)
(fn [{a :a b :b}] (> a b)))
:a #{"a" "b" "c"}
:b boolean?
:c (gs/map-destructure #(-> % count (= 3))
{:ca keyword?
:cb string?
:cc (gs/map-destructure map?
(gs/map-destructure map?
{:ccaa keyword?
(gs/seq-destructure seq?
[:arg-0 (gs/seq-destructure some?
[:ccabaa some?
:ccabab (gs/map-destructure some? {:ccababa some?})])
:ccabb some?]
[:ccabc some?])})})})
:d (gs/seq-destructure sequential? [:da double?] [:db seq?])
:arg-4# (gs/seq-destructure ^{:gen? true} (s/coll-of symbol? :kind vector?) [:ea symbol?])
:f (gs/seq-destructure seq? [:fa #{"a" "b" "c"}]))
(fn [{a :a
b :b
{:as c
:keys [ca cb]
{:as cc
{:as cca
:keys [ccaa]
[[ccabaa {:as ccabab :keys [ccababa]}] ccabb & ccabc :as ccab] :ccab} :cca} :cc} :c
[da & db :as d] :d
[ea] :arg-4#
[fa :as f] :f :as X}]
(and (> da 50) (= a fa)
a b c ca cb cc cca ccaa ccab ccabaa ccabab ccababa ccabb ccabc d da db ea f fa))))
(gradual.spec.util/with-gen-spec (fn [{ret# :ret}] ret#)
(fn [{[arity-kind# args#] :args}]
(case arity-kind#
(let [{a :a} args#] (s/spec number?))
(let [{a :a b :b} args#] (s/spec (s/and number? #(> % a) #(> % b))))
(let [{a :a
b :b
{:as c
:keys [ca cb]
{:as cc
{:as cca
:keys [ccaa]
[[ccabaa {:as ccabab :keys [ccababa]}] ccabb & ccabc :as ccab] :ccab} :cca} :cc} :c
[da & db :as d] :d
[ea] :arg-4#
[fa :as f] :f} args#] (s/spec number?))))))
(defn abcde
{:whatever-metadata "fhjik"}
([a] (inc a))
([a b] (+ a b))
([a b
{:as c
:keys [ca cb]
{:as cc
{:as cca
:keys [ccaa]
[[ccabaa {:as ccabab :keys [ccababa]}] ccabb :as ccab] :ccab} :cca} :cc}
[da & db :as d]
[fa :as f]]
- In order to not have the following:
(gs/defn abc [{:keys [a a-conformer, b b-conformer] :as c} c-conformer] ...)
is conformed,b
is conformed, andc
is conformed separately such that(not= a (first c))
is conformed first, then from it is destructureda
are conformeda
are respectively associated intoc
if their conformed values are non-identical- For now we will only support destructuring of objects satisfying
- For now we will only support destructuring of objects satisfying
is intentionally not re-conformed
- All destructuring-keys are considered optional, but each of their values must conform to its spec. There is no support for required keys yet; this is currently handled at the map level.
- Destructuring-keys may be any arbitrary object, not just keywords, symbols, or strings.
- In order to not have the following:
(gs/defn abc [[a a-conformer, b b-conformer :as c] c-conformer] ...)
is conformed,b
is conformed, andc
is conformed separately such that(not= a (first c))
is conformed first, then from it is destructureda
are conformeda
are respectivelyconcat
'ed onto the rest ofc
(a later optimization will be that this is done only if their conformed values are non-identical). Thusc
will always end up being a seq.- We support destructuring of any object satisfying
- We support destructuring of any object satisfying
is intentionally not re-conformed
- All destructuring-arguments are considered optional, but each argument must conform to its spec.
Copyright © 2020 Alex Gunnarson
Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 US (CC-SA) license.
For normal people who don't speak legalese, this means:
- You can modify the code
- You can distribute the code
- You can use the code for commercial purposes
- You have to give credit / attribute the code to the author (Alex Gunnarson)
- You have to state the name of the author (Alex Gunnarson) and the title of this project in the attribution
- You have to say in the attribution that you modified the code if you did
Pretty easy, common-sense, decent stuff! Thanks :)
For more information, see tldrlegal's summary of the CC-SA license.