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vagrant up sandbox

System requirements

  • Vagrant - latest release
  • 12GB RAM to run full platform: vagrant up
  • 6GB RAM to run sandbox environment: vagrant up sandbox

The first run will take approx. 45 minutes on 7th gen core i5
Subsequent runs will take much less:

  • vagrant provision: 15 minutes
  • vagrant up: 5 minutes

Description and Purpose - this is work in progress

This code brings up three Jenkins instances: Origin, Factory and Prod.
Inception starts one Jenkins server, the Origin-Jenkins.
Origin-Jenkins is then used to provision Factory-Jenkins and Prod-Jenkins, and it is only required at inception or when re-deploying Factory-Jenkins and Prod-Jenkins instances.
Because it has root access to Origin-Prod, it should be an air-gapped, single purpose instance and only started and connected to network when needed.
Factory-Jenkins creates and manages all non-prod environments, where things get produced (Factory).
Prod-Jenkins creates and manages all prod environments, where things get deployed to public (Prod).
Sandbox infrastructure (Nomad, Consul, Vault, Fabio) is provisioned from Factory-Jenkins.


  • write groovy logic in job-dsl to retrieve all variables from consul
  • fluentd to listen on udp socket
  • authenticate consul with vault for write operations
  • hide sensitive info from console output
  • store archives/backups
  • platform/conf to have a structure to permit multi-tenancy
  • streamlined CI tool to trigger jobs per tenant
  • streamlined health, logging, metrics and monitoring dashboard
  • artifact repository
  • build publish plugin - run build on prod-jenkins
  • docker-enforcer and vulnerability assessment for docker images/files


yaml-to-consul to delete only non-declared keys
ansible builders for heavy lifting!
moved all high-complexity embedded shell scripts out of groovy files
added go sleep service
mask docker files, nomad jobs, docker-compose files, dev selects runtime or place files in build dir to override
parsing all jinja2 files in build directories
moved variables from parametrized builds to environment using envinject
added java echo service
added ws-cleanup directories purge to hourly cron
added hourly cron
added nomad deploy checks
added build_id and deploy_id logic
will not build again if on the same commit_id
all docker stuff is build with --no-cache option
basic docker build also uses compose for better compatibility and collision avoidance
decision to use multi step Dockerfile and not rely on Jenkins runtimes
removed test step from pipelines, to be integrated in build
automatically start jobs from vagrant: yaml-to-consul, import data, fluentd, fabio
deployments can be referenced by commit id
yaml-to-consul integration
vault/consul kv integration
env var groovy script added
refactored vagrant always run scripts / vault-init
sandbox mode added to vagrantfile - use one vm for sandbox environment
jenkins jobs for vault token renew and secret update
vault-init overhaul to better describe the approle flow
basic_compose_pod can now deploy any basic docker-compose based pod, on any git url and branch
removed "if->else" for pod builds, because it induced too much complexity
replaced ansible-playbook for jinja2 templating with ad-hoc command
replaced POD_VERSION with BUILD_TAG to better reflect what we're doing
pods will build only if the git commit id changed, also changed the version string to be the short commit id
created system cron daily maintenance jenkins job - runs docker prune commands
added fluentd pod for collecting logs
refactored job-dsl job names and views
added nomad service in dev mode to factory/prod jenkins to be able to properly validate jobs
decision to have int/qa/prod environments, qa for performance testing
decision to have the development/sandbox local in vagrant
decision to bake the configuration into containers, reason is otherwise we will lose dev/prod parity because application configuration can be anything
added build-docker-image script
added td-agent-bit to target nodes
added fabio docker container
fixed binary not copied to destination if missing and already downloaded in ansible roles
added api checks for consul/nomad/vault services in ansible roles - it should fail the playbook on first target if a service update fails
one generic service_deploy_job_dsl.groovy with maps, instead of three
moved from triggers plugin to built-in triggers
added jenkins job for consul server
fixed service start in ansible playbooks for services
start a pipeline on a server, backup, destroy server, resume on newly created one
refactored scope directories, moved common roles out
PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED mode set for pipelines
jenkins job for os updates
made vault ha with two servers, to be as close as possible with production
primary consul dns servers in factory/prod jenkins dnsmasq
refactored vault demo
implemented jenkins backup/restore at the instance level
force_setup flag saves 2 minutes on each run, on average, but breaks idempotency - added variable into each target playbook so it runs all roles by default, but can be overriden (when in use by vagrant, in this scenario)
cached all downloads locally with precopy, now updates work properly
simplified pipelines: jenkins deploy restricted to one target
ansible now handles upgrades to all components
added swap playbook to all targets, again - because it won't work otherwise with distros that have zero swap (amazon linux)
fix for ansible dir diff - force setup
removed base-minimal role, as the main base role makes it redundant, it has too many problems with dependencies
removed install python and libselinux-python from vagrantfile, moved to provision script and jenkins job scripts
added ssh install python and libselinux-python to all scm machine deploy jobs
moved to official epel-release install via yum instead of .repo file
added dnsmasq to all targets, and control behavior from playbook variables
selectable java jre between openjdk and oracle
force_setup set to true if the ansible dir changed, even if previously set to false
local consul in dev mode as ephemeral key value store in jenkins
accelerated provisioning by using setup_completed facts


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