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Python resource usage update: add example comments, update box example python #191

Python resource usage update: add example comments, update box example python

Python resource usage update: add example comments, update box example python #191

name: Validate Workspace
- main
runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
- name: Checkout source code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install poetry
run: pipx install poetry
- name: Install poetry-plugin-export
run: poetry self add poetry-plugin-export
- name: Set up Python 3.12
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: "3.12"
cache: "poetry"
- name: Install algokit
run: pipx install algokit
- name: Install Tealer
run: pipx install tealer
- name: Install puyapy
run: pipx install puyapy==4.5.2
- name: Start LocalNet
run: algokit localnet start
- name: Bootstrap dependencies
run: algokit project bootstrap all
# - name: Audit python dependencies
# run: algokit project run audit
- name: Lint and format python dependencies
run: algokit project run lint
- name: Run tests
shell: bash
run: |
set -o pipefail
algokit project run test
- name: Build smart contracts
run: algokit project run build
- name: Scan TEAL files for issues
run: algokit project run audit-teal
- name: Check output stability of the Python smart contracts
working-directory: projects/python-examples
run: algokit project run ci-teal-diff
- name: Check output stability of the TypeScript smart contracts
working-directory: projects/typescript-examples
run: algokit project run ci-teal-diff
# - name: Run deployer against LocalNet
# run: algokit project deploy localnet