- selenide integration (via #169) - @eroshenkoam
- response code for AllureOkHttp3 (via #179) - @viclovsky
- selenide step also can be broken (via #176) - @simple-elf
- support allure1 step template (via #196) - @eroshenkoam
- handle test failures with exceptions without message (via #183) - @letsrokk
- add support for display name and description annotations for junit5 (via #170) - @DedRock
- allow embedding attachments and other allure steps in cucumber hook steps (via #181) - @andrcuns
- fix plain link display for cucumberjvm (via #175) - @clicman
- fix curl '-d' for HttpRequestAttachment (via #194) - @viclovsky
- fix readme and templates for allure-okhttp (via #159) - @rusg77
- fix npe in junit-runner due to missing actual class (fixes #174, via #182) - @saksmt
- fix steps and attachments for tests with timeouts (fixes #158, fixes #108, via #193) - @sspotanin