As a baseline, feel free to use the following link to generate a custom Lissajous curve here
To generate a trajectory .csv based on a custom Lissajous curve, change the parameters on Lines 621-653 of the
To generate a trajectory .csv using your own custom curve, you can write additional helper functions to do so. See the get_letter_trajectory()
function and uncomment lines 656-661 for reference
After setting up parameters, generate your csv by running the following within the UR3e_ROS_Trajectory_Simulator/python_scripts
It may take up to a few minutes to generate the csv depending on how complex your curve is.
(optional) Additional parameters such as end-effector configuration tolerances can also be edited within the python script.
For Step 2, you will need to download and build the packages within the ws3
workspace, which have been provided for you.
You can build and source the workspace (if this is not working, open a new terminal and try again):
cd ./ws3 && colcon-build --symlink-install && source ./install/setup.bash
It is important that you have only sourced the ws3
workspace. If you see an error message saying there are multiples packages with the same name, this is the issue.
You can run the following command to see if things are working:
ros2 launch msee22_description
Copy and paste your custom_trajectory.csv
file into the ws3/src/py_joint_pub/py_joint_pub/resource
Finally, rebuild the package and source your workspace. You can visualize your robot's trajectory with
ros2 launch msee22_description