This repository contains an R script for a pipeline designed to automate single-cell quality control and sample integration in Seurat using the output from Cell Ranger. The pipeline utilizes various R packages including dplyr, Seurat, ggplot2, sctransform, glmGamPoi, and tidyverse.
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Place Cell Ranger Output Files: Place your Cell Ranger output folders in the same folder as the R script.
Run the Pipeline: Open your terminal or command prompt, navigate to the folder containing the R script and Cell Ranger output files, and execute the following command:
Rscript IntegrationDataSeurat.R
Upon successful execution, the pipeline will generate:
- A folder containing quality control plots.
- A Seurat object with integrated samples.
R (version >= 3.5.0) Required R Packages:
- dplyr
- Seurat
- ggplot2
- sctransform
- glmGamPoi
- tidyverse
Ensure that all required R packages are installed in your R environment prior to running the pipeline. Make sure that your Cell Ranger output files are appropriately formatted and contain necessary information for the pipeline to execute successfully.