The groupon locator that the pro's use! Click the following this link to start useing the app.
To install on your machine please follow these steps:
- Clone the repo from here.
- Navigate to the DEAL_QUEST folder in your terminal.
- Run npm install to install dependancies.
- Run gulp watch to host site locally and watch for changes in the css & js.
- Go to localhost:3000 to view the live app on your system.
This app searches groupon deals based on input city or zipcode in the top right search box.
Additionally you can filter search resualts using the seach input inside of the slide over panel to the left.
At this time I do not have an affiliate key from groupon to link to the corrisponding deals being displayed but all resaults are updated in real time using the groupon ajax api.
I built this app using:
- Foundation - for the front-end html css.
- Knockout.js - VMMV controller.
- Google maps javascript api.
- Groupon deals ajax api.