Emoji Unicode for Angular web application. This module is best for sharing data between Native app and Web app.
For more information about emoji unicode tables, please visit
Download the Production version or the Development version.
Or download it with bower: open terminal and run
bower install bower-angular-emojiuni
Include js files into your web page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="[...]/emojiuni[.min].js"></script>
Add dependency to your app module:
angular.module('your-app-name', [
The emojiuni
module is now installed. It exposes the EmojiuniProvider
provider, Emojiuni
factory and emojiuni
filter into your app.
angular.module('app', [
EmojiuniProvider.baseUrl = '/custom/base/url/';
var src = '<div>hello moto 😁</div>';
var dest = '<div>hello moto <img class="emojiuni" src="/custom/base/url/1f601.png" /></div>';
Emojiuni.compile(src); // should equal dest
}).run(function(Emojiuni, $http){
var src = '<div>hello moto 😁</div>';
var dest = '<div>hello moto <img class="emojiuni" src="/custom/base/url/1f601.png" /></div>';
Emojiuni.compile(src); // should equal dest
<div ng-bind="data | emojiuni"></div>
<div>{{data | emojiuni}}</div>
See Getting started
MIT - Copyright (c) 2014 Angularfiy.org & HenryTao.